
20 January 2007

A Sparks documentary

I didn't realise until a few minutes ago that Radio 2 is broadcasting adocumentary about Sparks tonight at 8pm. As I've always had a soft spot for the Mael brothers and we have nothing planned tonight, an hour sitting by the radio is in order.

As if I needed an excuse to loot YouTube, here's them performing Angst in my Pants

and while I'm at it here's Dick Around


  1. It cetainly is. I really should listen to more radio!

  2. That song "Dick Around" is so Bohemian Rhapsody, isn't it?

    Heard a Robyn song on the way to Church. "Things sound great when you're dead?" Or something like that. I told my daughter how Robyn tells himself to open up his larynx and sing as though he was in Spandau Ballet. She's not a Robyn fan (except for Madonna OF The Wasps), but that made her laugh.

  3. Sparks can be very theatrical in some of their works! I wonder if Russell Mael wanted to be an Opera Contralto!

    Baby it may sound dodgy now, but it sounds great when you're dead.. if only our radio played such stuff! LOL I'm glad she found that amusing!

  4. Anonymous11:35 am

    Bugger, I missed it. Last week I picked up a copy of Hello Young Lovers. Excellent stuff.

    "Dick Around" also reminds me a little of "Jerry Springer the Opera".

  5. It is a damn good album eh? they haven't lost it after over 30 years. As for the documentary it would be worth checking the Radio2 website to see if it is still being streamed.
