
18 January 2007

TAX EVASION????? OH FOR (expletive deleted)SAKE!

A small side story in the London Lite I flicked through while waiting and waiting and waiting for my train home tonight caught my eye: “Suu Kyi accused of avoiding taxes”. Oh come on I thought, she’s been under house arrest for over a decade. This must be a joke. Sadly it does not appear to be a joke at all and it is well reported across the world’s press. This is taken from a Times of India report.

The Myanmar's junta has accused Aung San Suu Kyi, who has been in prison or under house arrest for 11 of the past 17 years, of tax evasion for not spending her Nobel Peace Prize money inside the country. (The clue might be in the words ”prison” and “house arrest”. It tends to prevent one popping down to the Yangon branch of Harvey Nicks for a new pair of Pradas)

The newspaper the New Light of Myanmar is quoted as saying "She avoided paying taxes to the State by asking her family members abroad to spend all her cash awards provided by international organisations and honorariums presented for her works she had created abroad instead of spending the money in the country."

The paper, which is a mouthpiece of the junta (well I never) said the 61-year-old opposition leader was lucky to be under house arrest and not in jail for her criticism of the army and its long-running attempts to write a new constitution. "It was very considerate of the government to put only restriction on her, instead of punishing her in accordance with law," (How very, very kind of them)

Suu Kyi, whose National League for Democracy party won a landslide election victory in 1990 which the military ignored, received the Nobel Peace Prize in October 1991 while under house arrest. Myanmar has been under military rule of one form or another since 1962.

I don’t think I need say anymore.


  1. Using her family to dispose of her money was her first mistake. Next time she needs to contact you or I, jams. I'll blow it all at Houston's black market flea market on fine Rolexx time pieces, Goochy sunglasses, and Channel handbags thus eliminating any sort of paper trail.

  2. LOL ewbl Seriously this is an utterly ludicrous attempt to smear Aung san. Perhaps the Burmese paper will have "Cock Robun murdered, Aung San suspected" as its next headline
