
31 January 2007

Trivial self congratulation

My statcounter is set on Aussie time rather than GMT so as far as it is concerned it is February. I was quite pleased to see that I went over the 4,000 visitor mark for the first time in January (4168 visitors and 6400 page loads up from 3638 and 5500 in December). My google page rank went up from 3 to 5 (and back to 3 and up to 5) and I snuck across the 50,000 ranking in Technorati (49,000 and simething, as opposed to about 53,000 last month).

I am very grateful to Siv, Tyger, Matt, Sonia, Fisking Central (why do I always read a slightly different word when I see Fisking!) Roland, Beak, the Fegmaniax website and others who linked to my outpourings this month (sorry if I have omitted anyone).

Ah well, plenty more drivel to come from me in February!

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