
06 March 2007

West Ham – Insert appropriate tabloid horror headline

Call it a nightmare on Green Street; call it a Hammers Horror but West Ham has had a season that is very much an annus horribilis (although to date no castle has burnt down).

The Hammers have not won a match since December and have taken only two points so far during 2007. They are at the bottom of the Premiership table, eleven points adrift of safety and relegation seems inevitable (unless prayers to St Jude, the patron saint of hopless causes can turn things around!).

To make matters worse the team is in a morale meltdown according to a report in last Sunday’s Observer. Charges have been laid by the Premier League over breaches rules over the signing of Argentinean players Carlos Tevez and Javier Mascherano.

And now today the press is reporting that the Metropolitan Police confirmed that is investigating a complaint about racist chants heard at last Sunday’s game against Tottenham. One of the chants apparently was: "I'd rather be a Paki than a Jew".

The FA's head of stadia, Chris Whalley, will write to the relegation-threatened club today to demand an explanation for the security and stewarding provisions it has in place. The FA will want to know why there was no intervention from stewards to put a stop to the chanting, which took place at half-time when West Ham were leading 2-0. Even if the chants were from a tiny minority of fans, we need this srt of behaviour like a hole in the head.

Last May West Ham came with in an ace of a famous FA Cup win. This season has been an unmitigated disaster. I wonder if it’s time to pull down the shutters and hope for a successful return to the Premiership next year. On a happier note Dagenham & Redbridge are 12 points clear at the top of the Conference. Barring disaster it looks like league football next season.


  1. They need to recruit M.C. Hammer to come in shirtless and wearing his golden genie pants to boost Hammer team morale.

    U Can't Touch This!

  2. Hmm I fear that half the squad would die laughing! On the other hand who would notice and the paybill would be slahsed!

  3. I am amazed at how low class European sports fans can be. The only time I ever hurled verbal taunts at a sporting event was when a baseball player took my food
    on a lark durring practice.

    I looked at my date and told her she should have told me she wanted food. She pointed to the field and the bum was eating my hot dog. The whole place thought it was funny but I had to go back to the stand and was not amused.

  4. Tell me about it Beakerkin. Things are nowhere near as bad as they used to be but this sort of behaviour is unacceptable.
