
26 May 2007

New Toy for my camera

Nigella (Love in a mist)

I treated myself to a new lens yesterday - a macro lens. This means I can take better close up shots, no need to crop either. Now to spend the several hundred pounds for a ring flash.

Geranium versicolor

Fuchsia magellanica

Spirea blossom


  1. Anonymous10:51 am

    Very nice, I expect to see even more pictures now :-D

  2. I think I can manage that Alisn..Strangely this is actually meant to be a political blog!

  3. The more I see of Macro pics the more I dream of a new camera. Politics? Where? . . .lol

  4. I've just ordered the £300 ring flash to go with the lens now.. Expect more close ups!

  5. Anonymous2:49 am

    You take the best photo's I've seen anywhere. You ought to license them or something.

  6. I'm partial to the lovely veined qualities of the geranium. I wish that variety would grow in the jungles of H-Town.

  7. ThanThanks very much berty! I wouldn't go so far as to say that my photos are the best but I am pleased with some of them!

    It is a lovely geranium. It is a species perrennial and Houston may be a tad too hot for it. It might bve worth seeing if it can be grown though
