
05 May 2007

Spider babies


  1. Anonymous11:57 am

    Oh wow, Ted... spider babies!

    Where's the spinning cat?

  2. How sweet that you're hosting a spider maternity ward and nursery, jams. Just don't sign up as spider wetnurse.

    They say all babies are cute. They are wrong.

  3. And the freak pointing too Roger!

    Well we are nurturing AND inclusive ewbl! I wouldnt say they are not cute, perhaps otherly attractive!

  4. That looks awesomely sick, man. I appreciate you sharing this picture with us. :D

  5. glad you like the pic tomo tori

  6. I'm glad you did not post a pic with the parents (that, in case there is a father, and wasn't eaten by the spider-mom.)

  7. AH they are absolutely tiny Red, so teh parents would be pretty ordinary garden spiders.. only 90cm across at the most!

  8. The spider babies look exactly like the one out of my Melody's favorite book. Little Miss Spider.

    My spidey senses are sensing a spider theme going on around here, jams. Are you the bloggy version of Spider Man?

  9. LOL ewbl, I can barely stand up without falling over.. let alone casting webs to swing from building to buildfing!

  10. I tried to grab the dangling cobweb in the corner of the living room to catapult me across the sofa. Sadly, it didn't hold my weight. Why must their be fat prejudices at every turn? Why can't we have a Spider Woman/Man with a butt the size of Buffalo?

  11. Damn right ewbl. It's time for me to squeeze out of the closet and declare myself to be stout!
