
16 July 2007

Meme time.

Both Shaz at Us Danes & Our Family and Alison at Eleanorblog both tagged me for this meme a while back. I thought I had posted this but it was still showing as a drat. Sorry Shaz, sorry Alison!

INSTRUCTIONS: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so:

1. Daddy Forever
2. The Ice Box
3. The Buzz Queen
4. Us Danes & Our Family Eleanorblog
5. The Poor Mouth

Next select five people to tag: I'll have to think about that but ll come back to it

Then answer the following questions:

What were you doing 10 years ago?

10 years ago, I had more hair, less weight but I was doing much the same as I am doing now... that is to say much the same except I was at a lower grade at work, I din't have a computer, was only vaguely aware of the internet and I was still wearing glasses instead of contact lenses (my eyesight hadn't deteriorated to the point where I needed lenses). The not-wife's Dorian Gray type picture was younger too!

What were you doing 1 year ago?

A year ago we had just had the crappy artex cieling and the walls in our living room skimmed. It got paineted, new lights and some new furniture were bought, But then we have done nothing. In all other respects life has changed very little over the course of one year.

Five snacks you enjoy:

1. Green & Blacks milk chocolate (not only Fair trade but with just the right cocoa content for my liking)
2. A bag of seedless grapes and a bag of cashew nuts
3. Rich Tea biscuits
4. Bounty bars (for when I want something very sweet)
5. toasted pine nuts

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:

1. Prudent investments to ensure ongoing comfort (but not opulence)
2. Pay something back to the world through charitable work
3. A reasonable sized house with big garden. I want a place for an "evil garden" and a small stone circle.. I just want a small stone circle -not Avebury sized but a little one like Knocknakilla near Millstreet
4. A Hasselblad camera system
5. More books....

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:

1. Airscape by Robyn Hitchcock, my all time favourite song.
2. Quark, Strangeness and Charm by Hawkwind
3. Where's Captain Kirk by Spizz Energi
4. Holiday in Cambodia by the Dead Kennedys
5. So What? by the Anti Nowhere League but given its content I don't sing it in publice even when drunk!

Five bad habits:

1. Forgetting to switch off the oven
2. Leaving the toilet seat up
3. Biting my toenails
4. You don't want to know number four
5. You REALLY don't want to know number five!

Five things you like doing:

1. Photography
2. Reading
3. blogging
4. gardening
5. I'm male and have a healthy libido, work out number five for yourself!

Five things you would never wear again:

I'm not fashion conscious and like most other men I will happily weasr things I like until they fall apart or longer. There are some things though I will never wear again though

1. Yellow and black striped trousers.
2. Leather trousers (why the hell did I buy those)
3. Medium size t shirts (sighs)
4. Thong briefs (tried once and only once - Now I know why they are called crack flossers!)
5. Suspender belt and stockings (My legs are just too hairy and there is no way in hell that I am waxing them!)

Five favourite toys:

1. My SLR camera kit, including the macro lens and ring flash. Also the Infra red filter which I massively overuse.
2. MP3 player
3. My mobile phone - less for calls and text messages, nore for the fact I spend an inordinate time playing patience and hearts on it....
4. Blinky the yellow three-eyed fish who sits on top of my PC at work. Not only can I throw him when pissed off (and not do any damage) he is a wonderful marker in an open plan office. If someone wants to talk to me I just say "look for the yellow three eyed fish"
5. Buddy Christ - I'm not religious but I do lhaving a plastic Jesus on the dashboard of my car...


  1. Anonymous4:39 pm

    I'd forgotten about that tag...learnt things perhaps I should never have wanted to know now ;-)

  2. That's the dark side of the meme thing, Alison!
