
04 July 2007

Boris for Mayor? HA HA HA HA HA HA!

Sometimes new items can pass me so I was quite surprised to see the Standard headline that Boris Johnson is being considered as a Tory candidate in next year’s London mayoral election.

Does this mean that the Tories are scraping the bottom of the barrel? Wwell perhaps not – I don’t hear any news of my MP Andrew Rosindell being lined up as a candidate!. Perhaps they want someone who will make damned sure that there are mothers piling burgers through the fences of every one of our city’s primary schools. Perhaps too he can spend his free time driving around the more deprived parts of the capital in a Rolls Royce and writing about what awful places they are.


  1. Who says there's intelligent life on Earth?

  2. Anonymous9:53 am

    Looking at that picture, I've just realised that Boris Johnson would make a great scarecrow.

    Move over Worzel Gummidge... time to make way for Badly Drawn Tory.

  3. LOL Roger. Perhaps Cameron can be the Crow man!

  4. One can only hope that RESPECT with run Galloway for mayor. That would be a barrel of laughs.

  5. I would like to see him run for mayor of Jerusalem, he'd come home in installments!
