
24 July 2007

The Floatee has landed?

Last month I posted on the possible arrival of Friendly Floatees on British shores. 15 years ago nearly 30,000 plastic bath toys were released into the Pacific Ocean when a container was washed off a cargo ship. Some of these ducks (and other animals) were expected to reach Britain after a 17,000 mile journey that has taken them through the Pacific, into the Arctic Ocean, then past Greenland and the eastern seaboard of the United States.

A week ago the Mail reported that a retired teacher, Penny Harris, may have been the first person to have found one of the ducks on the British coast. She found the plastic yellow toy as she walked her dog on a Devon beach.

All of the ducks which fell overboard were inscribed with the words "The First Years" by American manufacturers First Years Inc. But the marking is not visible on the duck found by Ms Harris – it was covered in barnacles which could obscure the mark and there were large chunks of plastic missing. "It's covered in brown algae and it's got barnacles on it. Its bleached white at the bottom and the top of the head is cracked and has burst open. Said Mrs Harris "I've looked for writing or a serial number but there is a hole in the duck so it could have been on the bit that's missing."

The duck has been sent to the manufacturer First Years Inc in to claim a $100 (£50) finder's fee. The company offers a $100 reward for an original duck returned to them from the USA, Canada or Iceland.

Was this one of the Floatees washed overboard in the Pacific? I have no idea but it is more interesting that the Beckhams...


  1. Even the Houston Chronicle had a picture of the Beckham's hanging out with Will Smith and Tom Cruise. Maybe they'll up their weird factor and go Scientologist next.

    Did you see their spread in People magazine? Yuck. I saw it on another blog and I couldn't believe that People is peddling soft porn like that. There seems to be no shame or dignity left in those people. If only they'd wash out to sea not to be heard from again for at least 15 years.....

  2. Let's face it Jams, even golfing accountants are more interesting than the Beckhamzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  3. We don't get People magazine here but I can imagine what sort of mag it is. Washed to sea and forgotton for 15 years you say ewbl??? Hmmm...

    Even Test cricket is more interesting thatn them Pisces!

  4. Anonymous8:07 pm

    Cool, I'll have to keep a lookout on the beach ;-)

    David who?

  5. Dunno, I hear he kicks a football round or something!

  6. Ooh, I hope I find one. A Floatee is a far more welcome find on a beach than a floater. As for the Beckhams, a blank screen is more interesting than those two, and far less insulting to the intelligence. You can tell I love 'em, can't you!

  7. Floate/floatee? yes I'll go for the rubber duck any day too! Floater/Beckham, now thast is a harder choice!

  8. Wow, that is interesting. I've not heard of the ducks overboard incident. Yes, it is far more interesting than the Beckhams. Of course mold on cheese is far more interesting than the Beckhams.

  9. It is a fascinatign story with real scientific spin offs. Cheese mould now that is definitely more interesting than the Beckhams!

  10. A week or so ago, Stella and I went to New York Pizzeria and had our pizza spoiled by the Beckhams on the unavoidable TV in that restaurant. I don't care how the Beckhams introduce themselves to American society. It's more than that: I really don't want to know. I watch very little TV; couldn't they have the decency not to appear on the tiny amount of TV which I have no choice but to watch?

    Yes, the duckies are much more interesting. MUCH more.

  11. The firghtening thing Steve, is that if it hand't been the Beckhams it would have been Britney, Paris, Lindsey Lohan. They ahve them on rotation so that you are guaranteed to be pissed off!
