
09 July 2007

Guilty - now rot in jail for the rest of your lives

It comes as no huge surprise that the four men responsible for the attempted transport bombings on 21 July 2005 have been found guilty. Muktar Said Ibrahim, Yassin Omar, Ramzi Mohammed (left) and Hussain Osman were convicted at Woolwich Crown Court of conspiracy to murder. It is likely that they will all receive life sentences.

The men had tried to detonate rucksacks laden with explosives on the Tube and a bus but their bombs failed to go off. It would seem that the bombers miscalculated the ration of ingredients thus sparing London form considerable loss of life

The defendants claimed that the bombs were fakes, and their actions had been intended as a protest against the war in Iraq. The jury disagreed and found the four men unanimously found them guilty. Jurors are to continue deliberations on two other defendants, Manfo Kwaku Asiedu, 34, and Adel Yahya, 24 tomorrow

The conspirators had stocked up on large quantities of hydrogen peroxide from hairdressing suppliers Yassin Omar's flat had been turned into a bomb factory. The bombs were made of chapati flour and hydrogen peroxide. Nigel Sweeney QC, prosecutor said "The failure of those bombs to explode owed nothing to the intention of these defendants, rather it was simply the good fortune of the travelling public that day that they were spared."

It was a mercy that they got their mixes wrong or London would certainly have seen a second carnage two weeks on from 7/7. The four had been immersed in the evil hatred of brutal demagogues like Abu Hamza. Two of the four are believed to have undertaken jihadi training in Pakistan. Even though they did not succeed, much to the chagrin I’m sure of numerous apologists (a spiteful ersatz Mexican who hates everything american bar his pension springs to mind). I wish the four scumbags long, miserable lives rotting in jail for the rest of their lives.


  1. Thank God Britain has so far had rather incompetent terrorists. Hopefully that trend will continue.

    I would say that I hope they enjoy prison, but I don’t really care if they like it or not.

  2. Okay where is the joke about peroxide blonde terrorists? Terrorists like any other group have their clowns. In the 93 blast the terrorist came back to get a 500 deposit on the van he blew up.

  3. I wish the 7/7 bommbers had fucked up their explosive mixestoo ROland. Mercifully the 21/7 bombers and the doctors seem to have been inept. I doubt it will continue though, Roland...

    No jokes but I'm glad they were fools Beakerkin. That was the first WTC bomber?

  4. That was the first WTC bombing in 1993. I am a survivor of that blast.

  5. Anonymous3:19 pm

    I'd like to hope that they would simply rot in jail, but I suspect that will have a very comfortable time in our prison system.

  6. Ah I rewmember you saying that Beakerkin.

    I hope they do too Alison. Jails may not be rat infested hell holes but the prospect of a very long time in one is not a pleasant prospect for anyone

  7. Anonymous7:14 pm

    Maybe they'll get some of that gooood jailhouse lovin'- don't drop the soap!

