
22 July 2007

The Powerpuff Girls: A Maoist Perspective

The Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) is a collection (A collection? IT IS THE COLLECTION, revisionist scum!) of existing or emerging Maoist internationalist parties, mainly in the English speaking world but also in Francophone nations as well as Puerto Rico and Aztlan (those bits of Mexico ceded to the USA in the 19th Century to you and me) .

Predictably, MIM upholds the revolutionary communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and is an internationalist organization that works from the vantage point of the Third World proletariat. It struggles to end the oppression of all groups over other groups; classes, genders, nations. MIM knows this is only possible by building public opinion to seize power through armed struggle. Finally, Revolution is a reality for the United States as the military becomes over-extended in the government's attempts to maintain world hegemony (Yawns) Well you get the message. Just don't forget that the USA should always be described as the United $nakes of Amerikkka in Maoist speak.

Not only is MIM is concerned with high issues of Maxrist-Leniinst ideology it also does its level best to ensure that then Lnternational Proletaruat are given the best advice and guidance on the best films to watch

Rotten Tomatoes gives the Powerpuff Girls Movie a 67% rating and contains quotes such as "How can anyone resist a cartoon in which the arch enemy of three crime-fighting schoolkids is a monkey called Mojo Jojo?" and "Almost as much fun for grown-ups as it undoubtedly will be for kids"

MIM on the other hand says this this:

The Powerpuff Girls are the latest of superhero comic strip characters. They are three little girls with superpowers that enable them to fly, build things quickly and fight of course. A mutant monkey decides that simians have lived under humyn (sic) rule too long and uses the Powerpuff Girls to build power for his simian mutant creations. In the end, the Powerpuff Girls kill off hundreds of mutant monkeys, gorillas and apes to win victory.

No doubt these are forceful female characters for young children to imbibe. In that sense, "Powerpuff Girls" may contribute to gender equality within society as it exists. On the other hand, society as it exists seems quick to come up with reasons why massive violence is a good thing.

Like Batman and Spiderman the Powerpuff Girls also fight crime in a one-on-one way. Although it would be no problem for the Powerpuff Girls to build homes for all the homeless and organize food production for the hungry--because we've seen their speed in building crazy mutant monkey bases and laboratories-- they still prefer to fight the relatively minor violence of crime one case at a time instead of resolving its roots or eliminating much larger sources of violence.

In conclusion, the Powerpuff Girls are a reactionary, pseudo-feminist enterprise.

So there you have it! I have never seen the Powerpuff Girls - I don't routinely watch cartoons made for children (or I haven't since I was a kid myself - Okay I admit it... I used to enjoy Rocko's Modern Life!). I know MIM are a ridiculous little pipsqueak faction. That said, the only Great Leap Forward I would like to see these idiots at MIM make is one into reality.


  1. Most people who continue to advocate Communism are cartoons themselves. We shall liberate the people by starving the people. Or don't blame me I am a Trotskyite.

    I am waiting for Geriatric Trotskyite Gerbils from Minesota to get to the big screen.

    "We shall steal in the name of the poor and give it to ourselves. How dare you question my noble motives?
    I know this looks like your wallet but who are you going to believe me or your eyes. We shall liberate the people by starving them to death. Death is an alternative form of liberation. You are being sent to the Gulag for your own good. Who needs reality when good slogans are available."

  2. Repent, Comrade Poormouth. "There is no class neutral literature, just as there is no class neutral music. (...) All culture plays a role in the class struggle - there is no class neutral "pure art" or "pure literature." (...)

    "Something can be enjoyable, but that doesn't make it good from a proletarian standpoint. Someone can enjoy listening to Wagner, but that doesn't make it class neutral. We need to accept that most of what many of us enjoy as first worlders is reactionary." (Guess the source and the destructive opus mentioned here.)

    You must change your attitude. Tomorrow it might be too late for you. You are posting reactionary stuff, Comrade. You'll be deported to Siberia, and the oppressed will eat your cats. And a good riddance.

    You aren't even labor aristocracy: your parasitic lifestyle is outrageous to many around you.

  3. I used to like to wind my sons up by saying that the Powerpuff Girls was my favourite cartoon.

  4. Beakerkin, as far as I am concerned the revolutionary left is dead. I have no doubt that some do genuinely wish to avoid the horrors of past revolutions, Renegade Eye included, but I do not believe they have any chance of success.

    Red, It sounds too coherent and well written for a certain ersatz mexican (he does not think himself as a first worlder anymore) from IRTR (good riddance)?

    You have me bang to rights as usual. I, from a working class family, am merely counter-revolutionary scum compared to the true guardians of the revolutionary flame. That someone is, for example, from a rich indian family and can afford to play politics does not matter.

    The oppressed will eat my cats? Well in the Maoist revolution there won't be any other fucking thing to eat will there!!

    Ah Pisces, I can imagine their faces said "Dad, you are so lame"???

  5. You will change this abominable pig attitude when we transform the United Thiefdom into one big Gulag, (AmeriKKKa and KKKanada annexed)and you'll have to do menial jobs (other than the one you wouldn;'t mention in blogging).

    Btw, what is a third worlder? What is a persyn born in the West but living in the SW or TW? And the opposite? A TW-er living in the FW and doing well?

    We won't eat Mimi, she is a little bat not even a cat. Marinate Bebe and Robyn.

  6. Ha, I say you and who's army Kommisar Redwine? the former IRTR lot!!! I daresay they would be too paranoid to do anything but split and purge.

    As for your quuestion, my answer myst be they are all people of this planet Some are god, othjers are bad while the majority is in the middle.

    Marinate Robyn and Bebe? you will habve to purge the not-wife and make damn sure she is dead before you could attempt that!

  7. So, by that philosophy, The Pot Growers Of America wanting to legalize pot must be pushing the always munchie-hungry Scooby Doo for children to watch and emulate.

  8. Ah you ghave it but you must add counter-revolutionary, bourgeois, Amerikkan and humyn or womyn into your sentence to be truly maoist, ewbl!

  9. You forgot about "persyn", Comrade Poormouth. Who is Comrade Scooby? You shouldn;t ever use any word containing "man" or "men". I fully agree, amen.

    (Comrade Humpty will be pushed by the revolution. Comrade Winnie the Pooh sent to re-education. Comrade Cinderella will have a happy childhood, but no more oversleeping...the same for Comrade Snowhite.)

    Comrade Not-Wife should start marinating the cats. (Anyway we will abolish the family as it is, communal care is better for children, we are for poliamory except amory. This means males 9as long as not sterilized) will be obliged to....and we will tell whom!

  10. Ha that should be amyn or is that word banned for it's overt religofascistic connotations?

    Jack Spratt could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean but that did not matter as they were counter revolutionaries who were purged in the new cultural revolution. Not much of a nursery rhyme though

    I thought the Maoists were into enforced celebism. From the way that our little Indian and that Aussie tosser went on , membership of teh Junior Anti Sex League was compulsory!

    Oh by the way it would take several revolutionary guards to marinate Robyn or Ted!
