
29 August 2007

Award! Award! part II

Another one: hot on the heels of of the creative blogger, Shaz at Us Danes & our Family has given me an "I Love your Blog" award.

Thanks Shaz. I'm glad you like the Poor Mouth. It came as such a shock that my language was rather intemperate bu my apology was sincere:

So who will I pass this on to? It has to be Elasticwaistbandlady for her humour and her long standing support for this blog.


  1. That's great! Blog awards are fun, aren't they?? :)

  2. They certainly boost the ego!

  3. I'm at reduced blogging capacity lately. Just freakin tired from working so many hours. Thanks for the shoutout and award, jams. Yay! An award for me!

  4. Did you see that I finally managed to get something new posted and I got heckled by an anonymous commenter asking me if 'I was running out of material?' As though my only mission in life is to entertain them.

  5. With six kids and several jobs I am amazed you find time to blog ewbl! You are a veritable superwoman!

    Fear not at the anonymous comment you keep on entertaining us!
