
12 August 2007

Playing with Nikon Capture

Gravestones at St Andrews' in Hornchurch. I have just got Nikon capture and was having a play around. It's easier to use that photoshop but perhaps with rather less functionality.


  1. No, it's excellent. Very creepy and other-worldly. There seems to be an aura around the crosses as if a specter is there. The cross in the back is really interesting.

  2. Are there any cobblestone roads in your locale. From time to time we see them in repaving and reconstruction.

  3. Cool! I am reminded of those drawings the late Edward Gorey made to go with his wicked little rhymes about, um, grave matters.

  4. THanks Meeyauw. To be honest as I look at it again there is something wrong with the composition

    Welcome to the Poor Mouth R2K.. Girls and Corpses? I live and learn!

    No cobblestones around here Beakerkin. They would ahve been dug up and replaced decades ago.

    Gorey? now that is an appropriate surname!

  5. Looks like somebody's gearing up for Halloween early this year!

  6. Anonymous1:18 pm

    That's interesting Jams, I like it. Really does looks like a drawing. Have to get on with my evil plan to haunt a graveyard this week to shoot with sepia.

  7. Ah I was having a play with some software I think I uunderstand. Let me compose some photos better and I will have some real fun!

    Funny you should mention that Alison, but I have another sepia shoit as a possible for WW this week.. also from St Andrews Churchyard!
