
24 September 2007

Marginal MPs say “Go”

Err, perhaps that should read "MPs in Labour marginals say Go".....According to today’s Guardian Labour MPs in some marginal seats would support a decision to go for a snap autumn poll, and a surprisingly large number believe he should now take the plunge. The Guardian contacted more than 30 Labour MPs in marginal constituencies yesterday and found support for an early poll from those in the Pennines, Oxford, the West Midlands, the south-west, Edinburgh and the south coast. Mr Brown has been polling in marginals and has a clear and sustained lead. Nigel Griffiths, who represents Edinburgh South with a majority of just 405, said: "He should go for it. If we have the election now, my majority will go up from 400 to 3,000. It is a gamble, but he should take it."

Other figures such as Stephen Ladyman, chairman of the south-east group of Labour MPs, have suggested that they have a slight preference to wait until May, but they accept Mr Brown cannot be sure his standing would be so high in six months.

There has been a run of polls over the summer which indicate that Labour has a clear lead over the Tories. A poll in today’s Sun is no different - itgives Labour with an eight point lead. The Sun reports that Labour's lead rose to 17 points in the unlikely event of Mr Brown conceding a referendum on the EU's draft treaty. (Hmm I think pigs will fly on that one)

For what my view is worth, the course is clear: if the coffers can stand it then go to the country. Although our elections are not presidential (we vote for the party, not fpr a Prime Minister) , an election victory would give Brown a clear mandate in the eyes of the electorate.

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