
14 September 2007

Mugabe record to be Zimbabwe’s number one for life

Zimbabwe may have fallen into the abyss, its people may be starving, its infrastructure has collapsed but everything is okay: president-for-life, turned Sun King, Robert Mugabe, has recorded a pop song that will surely raise the morale of a beleaguered nation. Well not quite- Mugabe’s voice has been sampled on a record called "Beitbridge" by Nonsikelelo (Nonsi).

According to Zim Online Nonsi is a popular supporter of government propaganda. The song, arranged in Zimbabwean pop style, features Nonsi’s singing lines such as: “Come to Zimbabwe and see the city of Beitbridge . . . our beautiful city . . . a symbol of a lovely country . . . the future of our children lies in our hands...” Mugabe provides the chorus: “Pamberi neBeitbridge (forward with Beitbridge) . . . nekuvaka Beitbridge (forward with developing Beitbridge) . . . kudya kuBeitbridge (food to the people of Beitbridge)... Dhorobha redu iri hatidi kuti murambe muri shure richisekwa, aiwa. Takazvipira kuti Beitbridge tiisimudzire isvike pamusoro (we don’t want Beitbridge to lag in development. We are committed to the development of Beitbridge)…”

The song is being played with “nauseating frequency” on all stations in Zimbabwe. An announcer at ZBC, who cannot be named, told Zim Online : “That one (Beitbridge) is being treated by bosses here (ZBC) as second only to the national anthem. They are so crazy about the recording and we play it at least twice in every hour. And that’s an order by the way; it’s not by choice because no sane presenter would play that kind of stuff that talks about giving food to the people of Beitbridge when everyone knows there is no food to give. It’s being spiteful; it’s sick, immoral, insensitive and ill-timed.”

Although it has reached the lower reaches of the Zimbabwe top 20, most people see it for what it is: an ugly propaganda piece created in a pointless attempt to endear Mugabe with Zimbabwe’s opposition southern regions. The sooner that Mugabe dies or is deposed, the better.


  1. Anonymous11:37 am

    If only they add some oil fields....

  2. And you see why it's so unique to be
    Among the lovely people living free, lalalalala

  3. Ooh a bit cynical there Chris!!

    Either Cecil Rhodes or Rudyard Kipling sait to be born an Englishman is to win first prize in the lottery of life. I don't agree but having been born in a wealthy developed nation means I am one of the world's lucky few. Although from a working class family, I never went hungry, I wasn't struck down by an easily treated illness, I got a good eduction and so on... By an accident of birth I got the oportunities denied to so many across the world.

  4. There are those among us who pretend that apartheid was the worst form of evil on the planet. Apartheid was evil but people did not starve to death.Change for the sake of change is not always optimal. One evil was replaced with a far greater evil. Do not hold your breath for Commies to protest the conditions in Zimbabwe or demand Mugabe be tried for crimes against humanity.

    The warning signs about the inherent evil were there to all who have eyes. However, the far left looked past the obvious signs of a seriously unstable Communist despot.

    Now the usual suspects pretend the starvation and repression is unrelated to Communism. This is yet another example of Communists using food as a weapon. Liberation via starvation is the embodiment of evil via manifesto.

    The usual suspects pretend that brand X communism has nothing to do with these repeated crimes against humanity. Continued advocacy of Communism in light of the historical record is akin to genocide denial.

    I want to point out that even durring the Great Depression there was food on the shelves, the problem was if you had the means to pay for it. It takes communist mismanagement to produce empty shelves and starvation in food exporters.

    Any honest attempt to help the poor starts with the reality that communism has failed. We can debate
    saftey nets and depedency. However, history has shown many times Communisms words about the poor are window dressing for authoritarian theft by a self deluded lazy class.

    I am trying to remember outside of Romania, Serbia and Pol Pot when communist thugs were ever tried for their crimes. At least two of the despots got the fate they deserved.

  5. Anonymous10:06 pm

    Thankfully, Eurovision hasn't penetrated south of the Zambezi yet... but I guess it's just a matter of time.

  6. With any luck he will be deposed and face justice.. not that he wil get much justice at 83.I think some who support a different approach to communism are sincere. However, the chances of them implementing their ideas are pretty slim.

    LOL Roger, THe Zimbabwe jury would award Mugabe douze million points!

  7. Jams

    I understand that you do not endorse the lunacy of Communism. Those who continue to advocate communism in light of an avalance of the historical records are the embodiment of evil.

    I respectfully strongly disagree with your description of their motives as sincere. Would be as charitable with Nazis who claimed the Holocaust and agressive warfare was a Hitlerian malady. How would we treat the lunatics who yearn for a Confederacy without slaves.

    Communists have always been well aware of the disasters their power mad policies inflict on the unwashed masses. The flowery words about the people have always been empty.

    This is a respectful disagreement.

  8. Good point especially about the Nazis. There is no doubt whatsoever that the evidence against a marxist base for social change is damning.

    The point that some believe quite honestly they can go back to square one and create something better holds true. Some are most certainly sincere and decent people. The problem is that I bleive at the end of the day that they are on a hiding to nothing.

  9. I'm going to make up some dance moves to that. Maybe it can rival The Macarena. I'll call it something like The Dictator Disco.

  10. I get the feling that they prefer more traditional dances like the pol pot polka. A few occasionally get to dance the hemp fandango thouh....

  11. "The sooner that Mugabe dies or is deposed, the better."

    And then, who will Comical Hugo and Mahmoud the Mad be kissing?

  12. Another usually comes along sooner or later....
