
22 October 2007

The Greasy Truckers Party gets an overdue CD release

The first Greasy Truckers Party took place in February 1972. The concert was a benefit for the Greasy Truckers who were "a loose organisation of individuals whose ideals were based on those of the Diggers in San Francisco, recycling money into worthwhile causes.” The San Francisco Diggers appear to have been an “anarchist guerrilla street theatre group” (the mind boggles). The concert featured Welsh rock band Man, Brinsley Schwarz (which included Nick Lowe and Ian Gomm as members), Magic Michael ((I have no idea who he was or what happened to him) and of course Hawkwind.

A double album was released featuring excerpts from the concert. Hawkwind’s contribution was recordings of Masters of the Universe and Born to Go. Although I am not much interested in Man (although I saw them supporting Hawkwind a couple of years ago and they were not bad) or Brinsley Schwarz I always meant to track the album down just for these two tracks.

I was delighted to see that Greasy Truckers has just been re-released as a triple CD featuring the full sets of all the bands playing. Again I am not too worried about the Man, Brinsley Schwarz and Magic Michael sets (okay one ten minute song from Magic Michael is not much of a set!) but I am looking forward to hearing the Hawkwind set:

  • This is Your Captain Speaking
  • You Shouldn't Do That
  • The Awakening
  • Master of the Universe
  • Paranoia
  • Earth Calling
  • Silver Machine
  • Welcome to the Future
  • Born to Go
  • Brainstorm

Okay, I have the Space Ritual (even the recent CD/DVD release) and the BBC concert which were both also recorded in 1972 but I can’t wait for it to drop through my letter box!


  1. Terry Williams, drummer Man, Mumbles-bred like me, see bach.

  2. Kiz you may like my friend Siani's blogs, She's taken a lot of photos of the Gower being a Swansea lass herself

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Indeed, I have visited on occasion (earlier today in fact!) She has some lovely photos.

  5. Imagine how I feel. As an ex-member of Brinsley Schwarz I have had to wait 35 years to hear how and what we played that day. I was particularly impressed by my singing!
    Ian Gomm

  6. Wow it never occurred to me that you would never have heard it until now. I'm glad you are pleased with your performance. I got the CD today but I havven't had the chance to listen to it yet.

  7. Funniest song I ever heard was a trucker parody of The Eagles 'Take It Easy.' This group reminds me of that.

    "I've been sitting on the commode trying to loosen my load......."

  8. Haha EWBL sounds very funny!

  9. I forgot to mention the name of the parody song.....MAKE IT GREASY!

  10. pds not a Wird Al Yankovic parody?
