
21 October 2007

The Power of Panties

Again I’m not sure how I missed this when it was originally reported on Friday but it appears that activists exasperated at the failure of diplomacy to put pressure on the Burmese, regime are trying a very different approach - involving underwear

Embassies in the UK, Thailand, Australia and Singapore have all been targeted by the "Panties for Peace" campaign, co-ordinated by an activist group based in Thailand. The action is a calculated insult to the junta and its leader, General Than Shwe. Superstitious junta members believe that any contact with female undergarments - clean or dirty - will sap them of their power.

"Not only are they brutal, but they are also very superstitious. They believe that touching a woman's pants or sarong will make them lose their strength," said Jackie Pollack, a member of the Lanna Action for Burma Committee. So far, hundreds of pairs of pants have been posted, according to another campaigner, Liz Hilton. "One group sent 140 pairs to the Burmese embassy in Geneva," she said.

Although it sounds like a prank the campaign is a serious attempt to allow ordinary women to express their outrage at the regime's response to democracy demonstrations. "Condemnation by the United Nations and governments around the world have had no impact on the Burmese regime. This is a way of trying to reach them where they will feel it," Ms Pollack said."The junta is famous for its abuse of women: it is well documented that they use rape as a weapon of war against ethnic minorities. This is a way for women around the world to express their outrage."

A message on the website Lanna Action for Burma reads: "This is your chance to use your Panty Power to take away the power from the SPDC. You can post, deliver or fling your panties at the closest Burmese Embassy any day from today. Send early, send often."

Again this sounded like a silly joke when I first saw the story (it could well still be) but if the Burmese junta are that worried about knickers then I would suggest the MOD places an order with Marks and Spencer forthwith, load up a few Trident missiles with unmentionables in assorted colours and styles and aim the buggers at Naypidaw. Hopefully a couple of dozen kilopanty airbursts over the Burmese capital should have Than Shwe running like hell!

In the meantime the not-wife has undertaken to wear the same pair of knickers next week then send them to the Burmese embassy. She will of course write BURMA on the envelope (This time standing for Be Unseated Rapidly Murdering Arseholes). It’s just as well the junta are not scared of men’s undergarments. My underwear is a serious biohazard after a single day.

Note, the address of the Burmese embassy in the UK is:

Embassy of the Union of Myanmar

19a Charles St
London, W1J 5DX


  1. I've got a couple of horrible, holey pairs of knick knocks. I could pop them in the cat litter tray for a day or so, and when they're nice and stinky, I could send them to those murdering assholes. The way they've treated those poor monks - and anyone else who tries to take a stand against them, is evil. Where do I send my niffy knicks?

  2. Ah make sure you give Leo and Liby something that gives them the runs. THat should make the nicks really nasty before sending them to the embassy!

  3. In case it works, the monks will surely appreciate the tons of panties flooding Burma...

  4. Now there is something you don't hear everyday.

  5. Perhaps they will Red. Not sure what they will do with them though. Perhaps they will make stylish bandanas

    It's one of the oddest forms of protest I have ever heard of Amy!

  6. I just hope they have an embassy here.... next week no laundry.

  7. Speaking from experience they have it partly right. Contact with a woman's undergarment can lead to the loss of your free will and money ;-)

  8. Redwine: It's about time someone heard from you. I miss you and your blog.

    Jams: How subversive.

  9. Good for you Red, if every woman and knicker wearing man contributed just one paire of soiled unmentionables then we could see rapid regime change!

    I wonder if the loss of free will and money is related to what lies beneath Digital Flower Pictures!

    It sounds like a huge joke Ren but if there is any truth in it then it is a wonderful non violent protest

  10. I remember handling some female's knickers without any harm done to my health, although I could mention some psychological effects (they generally wear off after some time).

    But I sure could contribute some unwashed undies, in mint condition. Better used as gags ;-)

  11. Glad to hear you are willing to paricipate Snoopy. You couldn't get your hand on some badly soiled ones. Imagine what they would be as gags!

  12. I am going to be a perv pig, as always. I had in mind a bloody revolution...

  13. Sounds like a good way to wage war to me.

  14. I agree Welshcakes. If only all of the world's problems could be solved by throwing panties at them. Tom Jones would be Secretary General of the UN!

  15. Anonymous11:58 pm

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