
12 October 2007

Why have you put that silly doll beside me?

Bebe is not impressed by the Kenneth Williams (a la Carry on Casear) talking doll

And what, pray tell, is the purpose of such a toy, human?

This week's entry for the Friday Ark and Carnival of the Cats.


  1. What IS the purpose of it?? LOL.

  2. As an amusement! The doll is of Kenneth Williams as Julius Casear in teh silly comedy film Carry on Cleo. It has the wonderful quote.

    Infamy, infamy, infamy... They've all got in in for me!

  3. Julius Caesar? When I first saw it, I expected the doll to sing "If you want to know who we are" from The Mikado. But the "infamy" quote will do just fine.

    Bebe has a right to be perplexed. :) Great picture, though.

  4. To me this post means you have a very well-behaved cat. Mine will throw down everything they do not like, including laptops. Ehehe...

  5. She has a wonderful set of expressions to show her disdain for humanity Steve... except when it's meal time of course! Actualy she does not like the camera at all so it's hard to get a good shot of her.

    That't true Snoopy. ed is an inveterate thrower of items he does not care for!

  6. Can you film it on your phone - if you have one of these ingenious phones? and put it on your blog? I would love to hear him.

  7. Okay Liz, I'll give it a try. I got it half price in a model shop. Perhaps there are far beter things to spend £15 on but it amuses both myself and the not-wife!

  8. Anonymous2:52 am

    She has a wonderfully expressive face, but she really should lighten up. Cary On Cleo is a classic silly flick, not some one off skit.

    I do admit that the doll is taking up valuable "window sill in the sunshine" space, but sacrifices need to be made for art, no matter how campy.

  9. I keep threatening to buy my cats a singing, dancing Santa. Trouble is, I wouldn't be seen dead buying one. Bebe has a wonderfully expressive face - I dread to think what cats really think of us!

  10. That's true Bryan, there myust always be olace for art,even if it impinges on sunlight. Carry on CLeo was funny. Carry on up the Khyber was the funniest of the series

    I wonder that too. probably:

    I'm hungry, lets cont some grub out of that ugly human

    I'll plaster on the fake smile and make her think I love her

    Tickle my purr tum anfain and I'll purr piss on your pur pillows!

  11. Bebe is an obviously articulate cat.

  12. She is indeedBeakerkin! What's more she never speaks in Lolcat!

  13. I'm a secret lolcat addict, jams. Have you seen the one that combines lolcat with post secret? It's pretty amusing.

  14. Haha good site. Postsecret really did need to be sent up!
