
30 October 2007

Why Liam Gallagher has a haunted look...

The Daily Star is not exactly my daily paper of choice but I couldn’t pass this story up - especially since I can’t stand Liam Gallagher. According to a “source” (I wonder if this actually means the cub reporter given the task of making up sixteen celebrity news items between doing the horoscope and mucking out the editor.) Gallagher is so terrified that the house he shares with Nicole Slapperton (sorry I mean Appleton, honest!) is haunted that he sleeps with the lights on.

The source said: “Liam is absolutely convinced there is something sinister in some noises he has been hearing late at night... He lies awake listening with the lights on...” and so on and so forth If that was not enough Gallagher is convinced that he was once visited by the ghost of John Lennon. Apparently the late Beatle appeared to him as an apparition while he was staying at a friend’s house years ago in his home city of Manchester. But instead of being freaked out about the situation, Liam was in awe:

“I was in Manchester at a mate’s house having a sleep. I remember getting up and feeling really weird. I turned round and there I was, lying on the bed, and I sort of fell back into my body. There was a presence there and it was him, Lennon.” He sau

I wonder if Lennon spoke to him and if he did, did he tell Gallagher him to stop ripping him off? As for the ghost at his home, I would not be so catty to say it’s the ghost of his career...


  1. Laying off the booze and drugs generally makes one's ghosts disappear. I can't stand Liam Gallagher either. He's an untalented nobody with the intelligence of a stoned amoeba. And that hateful, whiney, nasal voice - ugh!

  2. LOL Siani but you are insulting stoned amoebae!

  3. I have always HATED Oasis. I know that Blur and Oasis had a showdown in the 90's but Blur frontman Damon Alborn is still being innovative and awesome leading the Gorillaz and that other group that sings that Herculean song. I declare him the winner....

    I'm sooooo close to posting something about Katie Melua but she not that big here yet so I don't know how many will know what I'm talking about. How can you Brits stand her? I know she's a top-selling artist but her voice is so grating to me. And the lyrics....oooohhh the lyrics. They are so bad. My daughters and I mercilessly mock that '9 Million Bicycles In Beijing' song. I didn't think anything could top that insipidness until I heard her new stuff.

    "If you were a sailboat I'd sail you. If you were a piece of wood, I'd nail you to the floor??!"

    Holy crap, that's one stupid ass song.

  4. Personally I can't abide Oasis. I never took to them at all. Liam is, or certainly was, a lout.

    Katie Melua. You don't know how irritating I find her singing
