
19 November 2007


Someone from North Carolina became the 100,000th visitor to the Poor Mouth since it opened for business last April. It is a shame that Redwine, who urged me to set up the Poor Mouth in the first place, just missed out on that accolade being visitor 100,001, another favourite blogger, Dave Marlow from the Red Mantis, came in at number 100.002.

Thanks to everyone who has visited over the last 19 months. Rest assured, there will continue to be fresh drivel every day!


  1. Congratulations! That's a lot of visitors!

  2. Congrats and keep up the good work, Jams.

  3. I had to laugh when I read that because I'm from North Carolina and I do read your blog sometimes in between photo hunt days, although primarily as a lurker. You frequently write about world issues of concern to me and I like your writing style. I hope my clicking on your page didn't edge out Dave Marlow and Red Mantis as 100,000 but heck we North Carolinians screw up sometimes. Since you are in the UK, this probably won't mean anything to you but much to my embarrassment my home state elected that jerk Jesse Helmes again and again into the U.S. senate and then when he FINALLY retired, Elizabeth Dole after him, grrrrrrr. We have produced some great authors and musicians through the decades. I realize you may have many readers from North Carolina and it may not have been me at all but it still made me laugh. Cheers, Carver

  4. That's a lot of people! Keep up the good work.

  5. Thanks all!

    Are you from Wilmington, Carver? If so then it was you. I have heard of Jesse Helms. What I know of him does not impress me. I had seen speculation that Elizabeth Dole could have been a likely predidential candidate. I take it that Bush's presidency scotched that? I see from wikipeduia that she is rated as one of teh least opowerful senators (95 out of 100) I am not sure what that really means.

  6. Hi Jams,

    I'm not from Wilmington so you have at least two readers from NC and with 100,000 visitors you may have even more. Wilmington is on the eastern end of the state on the coast and I have spent time at the beach there but I'm from the Research triangle area which would probably show up as Raleigh/Durham on the stats. Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill are three distinct towns in the center of the state but with a major University in each town, we kind of blend to people not from the area, and possibly in terms of internet pin points. People in this area often live in one town and work in another.

    Jesse Helmes was awful. I'll admit to being so liberal (for want of a better word) that there aren't many politicians period that represent my thinking but Jesse was the worse person to represent my region which I do love. At this point NC is very diversified in a lot of ways but Jesse kept that good old boy jerk image going against my state and he did get re-elected again and again, although I never knew many people who admitted to voting for him. Unfortunately, he ended up in the press a lot with his outrageous sound bytes and many identified NC with him, if they didn't spend time here.

    Elizabeth Dole is more palatable in some ways but way too conservative for me but then again, who isn't, ha. I don't have a problem with differing political views, some of my friends are quite conservative (I hate labels) but I don't like politicians like Jesse who manipulated people's irrational fears (hmmm sort of like Bush). Ok sorry, I'll go away and start lurking again. Since I never discuss politics on my blog it's sort of weird for me to fill up your comment section with this tirade. You can always delete it, I don't mind.

    Congrats on your stats. That is impressive to have over 100,000 in that length of time. Take care, Carver

  7. Mmmmmm, fresh drivel…..

  8. Ah so it was another Carolinan. Ah well! DOn;t worry about long posts. It is very interesting stuff. You are welcome to comment as much as yuou like!

    Are you drooling Roland? LOL!

  9. Congratulations Jams, lots of fans or google searches or whatever have come your way.

  10. lots of google searches jmb. the POor Mouth has a long tail. I wish I had thousands of fans!

  11. Congrats, jams; may you see many 100k's more visits. (Wilmington, NC must be a good place: Stella was born there!)

  12. omg that is a LOT! Congratulations on the 100,000!

  13. Thanks Steve, Wilmington must be a fine place if Stella comes from there!

    Thanks Andree. I'm astonished at how many visitors I've had. It's largely due to searches. Having several of my posts (The name of the British Isles, the Zinoviev letter, and plans for a small group of soldiers to stay behind had Gibraltar been invaded in WWII) quoted as article sources on wikipedia certainly does help.
