
27 November 2007

Award! Award! (again!)

Awards are like buses, I wait ages then a load come by at the same time. Here are two more.

The first is from Teacher Julie

This one is from my dear friend Siani.

My ego runneth over! It will take me ages to decide who to award them to. Instead I have decided to open them up for sale. Any bid over 3 pence will be considered....


  1. Over 3p? Ooh - I dunno if I can afford that ...

  2. I must agree. You are an amazing blogger:)

  3. Per award, Grendel, and you're on!

    Aww shucks, LB!

  4. What the hell is a pence? Is that the money they use in that Mary Poppins flick?

  5. Awards!!! Did you prepare a speech? Are you wearing a fancy ball gown for the occasion? Wheres the after award ceremony party going to be at? Will they be serving canapes? Am I invited?!!!?

  6. A pence is plural of penny a hundredth of a pound, Roland!

    Oh it will be a gala affair. I will be in finest taffeta as ever ewbl! I expect you to be dressed in your finest Texan hoosiery!
