
05 November 2007

One last thing...

Following on my earlier post about the Cockney Prayer, perhaps it's just as well nobody tried the old Bus Driver's prayer at Havering council prayers:

Our Farnham. who art in Hendon

Harrow be Thy name.
Thy Kingston come; thy Wimbledon
In Erith as it is in Hendon
Give us this day our daily Brent
And forgive us our bypasses
As we forgive those who bypass against us.
And lead us not into Thames Ditton
But deliver us from Ewell
For Thine is the Kingston, the Purley and the Crawley
For Esher and Esher
Crouch End

Enough milking an idea


  1. Anonymous2:05 pm

    I love the 'deliver us from Ewell'.

  2. Glad you like it Aileni!

  3. Splendid! Decades ago, I heard an American version that urged the Lord, "Lead us not into Penn Station."

  4. Haha I love to hear the rest of that version!
