
17 November 2007

We are putty in reptilian hands...

In a world that is full of nut jobs and lunatics it makes me proud that Britain can produce a head-the-ball that can compete with the best. I am of course talking about the former Coventry City goalie turned son of God, David Icke.

Icke is not content with serving up the usual nonsense that the world is ruled by a secret group called the Illuminati (You know them, they serve Bilderbergers with lies... Bilderbergers, bilder burgers, geddit? Geddit? Sorry it was a crap joke) He throws in the usual rubbish about the Protocols but believes that the illuminati are in fact a V-style race of reptilians.

If you think about it logically it makes a lot of sense. Are not our most prominent figures just a bit inhuman? However I think he oversteps the line when he accuses this fine gentleman of being one of the elite:

Old news, I know but I just fancied posting a bit of Boxcar Willie!


  1. Impressive how that man could sit calm like he did, giving a hug to one of his fan, without loosing his tone.

    Thanks for sharing

  2. Icke is an ingrate - when our trained reptilians pushed the English team through to the finals. Yick...

  3. How true Snoopy, how true!

    I've been really impressed by the Israeli side, such a tough nut to crack. I was so disappointed when Yossi Benayoun left the Hammers, he's a bloody marvellous player
