
13 December 2007

I should be in for a treat next Wednesday

Hawkwind commenced its Space Days tour last night at the Wulfrum Hall in Wolverhapton last night. Going by the reviews on the Hawkwind yahoo group it was a great night, some technical glitches notwithstanding. The set concentrates on the 70s glory days; there is nothing from their last album take me to your leader, and only a few songs from after 1979:

The Black Corridor; Aerospaceage Inferno; Space Love (a new song); The Awakening; Orgone Accumulator with You Know You're Only Dreaming in the middle section; Paradox; Robot; Abducted; Alien I Am; Master of the Universe; Time We Left; The Age of the Micro Man; Lighthouse - performed by Tim Blake; Arrival in Utopia; Death Trap; Damnation Alley; Sonic Attack (sung rather than recited); Welcome To The Future.The encores were Flying Doctor and Silver Machine

It sounds wonderful. I’ve never heard some of these songs performed live before. It’s also great to see Tim Blake back and playing with the band again. He was with the band the first time I ever saw the Hawks at the Electric Ballroom in Camden back in December 1979. I was also concerned that Alan Davey’s departure would leave hole that would be hard to fill. Mr Dibs, who used to be their roadie and who has guested with the band before sounds like he is filling the bassist role admirably.

Roll on the 19th!


  1. Now all they need is the return of Michael Moorcock....

  2. Ooh that would be great. I can't see it happening. I think he washed his hads of Hawkwind after the fight over who owned the Hawkwind name between Brock and Turner. The answer in my mind is emphatically Brock.

  3. Thanks. I certainly will...I hope!
