
16 December 2007

Must have christmas presents for the devoted

Even though I am not religious I do like Ship of Fools, a site which definitely proves that dourness and devotion need not go hand in hand. One of its most enjoyable features is its annual 12 days of Kitschmas which highlights some of the funniest and tackiest religion related Christmas gifts.

Previously it has highlighted such must-haves as the nativity timer

and Jesus flogging lights

Shame I can't get the animation to work.

This year’s crop is as good as ever and includes, bible hip flasks (full of the holy spirit I’m sure), Madonna and child print thongs and the Pope’s Cologne (made to a formula created for Pope Pius IX 150 years ago). My favourites have to be these though:

Christ on a bike is now no longer a figure of speech but a delightful figurine that will take pride of pace on any sideboard. The company that produces this (they are devout Christians and mean no disrespect at all) also have Jesus surfing, skateboarding and even doing a wonderful scissor kick.

The best of all though is this:

I'm surprised that nobody has ever thought of a St Sebastian pin cushion before. There you have it. If you are fast you may just add a bit of extra magic to your Christmasfestivities!


  1. The post has an art gallery feel to it. Really good.

  2. Hahaha! Jesus on a chopper! That is funny! I think it's even funnier than those Jesus action figures! :D

  3. If Jesus came back today, he would surely ride a hog.

  4. Glad you all like it! If jesus werre to come back riding a hog. I daresay he and the disciples would xall themselves the Heaven's Angels?

  5. If the Bible depicted Christ on a Harley or whatever - I think I'd abandon atheism, LOL. Then again, maybe not. You have an award waiting for you at my place, BTW.

  6. A Jams O Donnel pin cushion would be very nice. Tell the not-wife.

  7. The "Christ on a bike" is almost good enough to make me give up atheism.

  8. Siani, Unpremeditated, perhaps the evangelists might have something.. Put Jesus on a hog or sometimes a Hayabusa and watch the converts roll in!

    Red, the not wife has been cursing me with one of those for years!

  9. pass the holy hand-grenade

  10. Only if you've been a very good boy this year!

  11. I thought I'd seen everything, but obviously I haven't!

  12. Glad to be of service Welshcakes!

  13. Oh Noooooeeeessss, that doesn't even compare to asite I've been reading for two years now called A Cavalcade Of Bad Nativities. The web owners pithy descriptions of churchy kitsch cracks my azz up all over the place. Very funny. She really only updates during Christmas and its my annual seasonal guilty pleasure.

    Cavalcade Of Bad Nativities

  14. And there was me thinking St Sebastian was a voodoo doll!

    I haven't been to Ship of Fools for ages, must visit again.

  15. That site is brilliant Ewbl! Thanks for the link

    Haha the voodoo doll is the one the not wife has of me, Liz. I'm not religious but I love Ship of Fools

  16. I hope the bike is the original Harley Davidson, as in Scriptures and not some forrin fake ;-)

  17. I think so Snoopy although teh CHurch of England would ahve him on a vintage Norton as per Mrak 2:17. Satanists would probably have riding a godless Ducati!
