
11 January 2008

Mimi ponders the passing of another year

Mimi is four today. This week's entry for Friday Ark and Carnival of the Cats


  1. Anonymous4:51 am

    I'm frankly amazed at the clarity of Mimi's whiskers. The B&W really helps with the detail.

    Happy Birthday, Miss Mimi.

  2. B&W really does bring out the texture of her fur. She does have a fine set of whiskers but they are quite fine and are usually obscured. I must admit I did play with light and contrast levels to accentuate the texture

  3. Mimi DoEs look like she's really pondering something, doesn't she?

  4. Happy Birthday, Mimi!

    (She is not pondering. I know cats. They can't ponder, especially poor Miss Mimi. Whenever Miss Csili ponders, I run and check what is left under the bed. If I had as many euros as the result of her pre and post ponderings...)

    May your masters wash up after you at least for the next 15 years!

  5. I always like the way that cats curl themselves up like that. I tried to do it this morning when I was cold. Not quite the same.

    Happy Birthday Mimi

  6. The look makes me think what mischief she has in mind LB!

    Ah it's not ponder but pondre as in to lay... but Csili's eggs are more pungent, Red????

    I love that sight too Ewbl but sadly I am just not supple enough for some of their poses!

  7. "She is not pondering. I know cats. They can't ponder, especially poor Miss Mimi." - redwine

    "... Sees the Sun going down,
    And the eyes in [her] head
    See the world spinning round." -

    Poor Miss Mimi is wise beyond our knowing. I am convinced of it.

    (Great pic, jams.)

  8. I adore Cats. And this is a beauty

  9. A youngster she is (compared to mine), but already a character!

  10. Your cat photos are always worth viewing, and this one should be linked to a caption competition!

  11. Thanks everyone. Steve, I'm not sure wise is a word for Mimi - thick as two short planks is probably better! Seriously she is a little darling. She may be disabled, she may forget her toilet training but we absolutely love her. She really is a sweet little cat. She definitely is a character, Snoopy!

  12. Thanks. Mimi had a happy birthday - she ate, tok a dump in the living room, slept, ate, got cudles, slept, cuddles, slept, ate and slept!

  13. Wink wink back to you, Mimi! Happy belated birthday!
