
09 January 2008

Sing while you’re stinging?

A new must-have accessory has being unveiled at the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas - iTaser. Combining a taser stun gun with an MP3 player and earphones anyone now can put 50,000 volts through an assailant (or perhaps someone who will insist of dawdling in front of you) while listening to a selection of favourite music. A 1GB player is integrated into the gun's holster.

Arizona-based Taser International sells the handheld stun guns under the rather hyperbolic banner of "Changing the World and Protecting Lives". It maintains that the iTaser "allows for both personal protection and personal music for people on the go". According to Rick Smith, founder of the company, "personal protection can be both fashionable and functionable".

The company says the new device is particularly aimed at women - with red, pink and even leopard print designs intended to make carrying a stun gun fashionable. A spokesman in Las Vegas said the inclusion of a music player would encourage purchases by women who want a form of self defence while out jogging, but would otherwise choose to take an iPod or other MP3 player with them instead of a weapon. "A lot of women aren't going to go into a gun store and feel comfortable enough buying a Taser, so now we have some outdoor companies and dealers - some cellphone places are starting to carry them and hang them next to phones," he said.

The gun generates 50,000 volts but the actual ampage is a mere 0.0021 amps - so low that the Taser's two lithium batteries can stun 100,000 people. So there you have it. Surely this must be the most stylish weapon since Janet Reger designed the holster for the Lady Magnum


  1. Anonymous9:57 pm

    How long before a woman uses one of these on her philandering husband?

  2. Tasers are lethal weapons; don't let the manufacturer or anyone else tell you otherwise. If I remember correctly, in the UK, law officers may use Tasers only when deadly force is deemed justified. On this side of the pond, a lot of Taser-bearing police, security guards, etc. have used the weapons in inappropriate circumstances, and too often people have died, apparently of the Taser shock.

    There should be a regulation on this device that prohibits uploading, say, the Beatles album "Revolver" (or anything by Guns and Roses) to the .mp3 player. And absolutely, positively, never anything from Silkk the Shocker...

  3. A matter of nanoseconds, I reckon Roger!

    They are being rolled out in forces here Steve. At present though they are generally in the hands of trained firearms officers. Even if the current is low it's going to be bloody painful. I know some people have been killed by tasers so it's not quite a non-lethal weapon!

    As for the music, I take it that Sparks are out too?

  4. An excellent way of deterring a mugger after your mp3 player, when he demands you ‘let him have it’.

    You can both oblige and educate all in one go ;-) I want one of those…

  5. jams - indeed, no Sparks. And surely it's best to prohibit Zappa, and probably Phaser as well.

  6. So long as you don't miss of course Phil, then you are in trouble!

    Absolutely Steve... No Electric six either!

  7. Anonymous10:01 pm

    Just don't stick the wrong set of wires in your ears.

  8. Now that's true Roger!

  9. Jams - But by definition you were already in trouble anyway, so if you don't miss you are ahead of the game...

    Just wait 'till Apple TM brings one out. It will be so much more stylish, have lots more functions and be so intuitive to use ;-)

  10. Well that's true phil! As for the Apple version, I woder if they will include a mace dispenser too. I hope the controls are clear or I can see the lawsuits mounting now!

  11. I'd buy one and load it up with soft rock favorites from all the original soft rock artists.
