
29 January 2008

WW - Marigold winter survivor

This week's entry for the Tuesday and Wednesday edition of Wordless Wednesday.


  1. Anonymous8:40 am

    gorgeous flower! happy WW :)

  2. That's amazing, Jams. Just beautiful. Puts a whole new spin on "hardy," too!

  3. Ah it used to be just a Wednesday thing James. Now it's daily. Tuesday and Wednesday are the most popular days though (Tuesday because there are a lot of participants from Malaysia, the Pillippines and Australia

  4. You forgot to mention Cambodia, too (me!) :D. I love marigolds, Jams. They cheer me up!

  5. Anonymous11:07 am

    Stunning, my first time seeing a marigold...thank you!!

  6. hey jams, this is beautiful. why i'm always mesmerized by your shots?
    good job, as always mate!

  7. Anonymous11:41 am


    Its been quite sometime now that I have been blogging to those things that best interest me. Things, places and serious matters that somehow encourage me to write a quality post in order to sustain an interactive blog in which some nor many of those bloggers, visitors and viewers who came in to browse my blog will somehow at least appreciate my work though I’m not really particular on who are they nor what level of Education they been. What’s important for me is they will understand my purpose of writing a specific post nor they will easily arrive to the point of knowing the essence of a particular thing.

    I admit that, I may not be a good writer nor a perfect blogger who will respond to those issues about writing a quality post but one truth about all this things is I’m sincere of what I am doing. I know what are my limitations in this field and eventually what are the things that I need to learn. Blogging is still learning! Education is always involve in any activities you been craving to do so. Specifically, blogging is one of a great idea to learn and explore new things around us. It enables us to do certain things that we didn’t do before. Yes! Definitely! For what reason? Well, I guess for those bloggers out there knew already what I mean. But to discuss it, you are certain to do those things for one reason and that was to build story , discussion and experience that you can probably post it on your online journal/blog. Right?

    On the other hand, I don’t know exactly what does other people say about ” QUALITY POST “… Obviously, its self explanatory subject. But I was just really wondering that there are lots of people out there who use to say that your post “doesn’t make any sense “ … or let say ” you really had a bad grammars and vocabularies “… One thing and foremost, Who are you to tell me like those word? Who are you to discriminate my work? Do you think your qualified enough to judge me? Oh common people! Nobody’s perfect in this world not unless you think you are! Actually, I happened to arrive to this topic since, I got a friend who just started to do a paid post in a couple days ago but too bad He was being ban by one of the paid post company ’cause according to them ” Very poor quality reviews that do not meet many of our requirements “… Yes! they had a right to do it but my concern is “What kind of reviews they want? “… He’s giving his honest feedback as to what he think is right! But still they ban him without any warning which means to say he could no longer be accepted in there company anymore!….

    My purpose of writing this post is to let those ADVERTISERS know that you are only looking for feedbacks on your site, services and products and one thing for sure to anticipate on that is you’ll probably receiving a personal feedback on it. Don’t expect more since, we are not being paid to advertise your products! We are just paid to provide a FEEDBACK and REVIEWS. Get it?…. So, I just do hope that everything will be fair….

  8. Hi jams, Nice flower, it is an interesting looking marigold.

    wilson, looks like you are having some personal issues, good luck.

  9. The colour of marigolds looks like gold, so we Chinese would display them for good luck during Chinese New Year. I have to get a dozen pots from the nursery tomorrow.

  10. jams, lovely shot and to think this marigold lasted into the winter chill! Marvelous! :)

  11. Anonymous2:46 pm

    Absolutely, great shot. The background makes attractive.

  12. Again, a very beautiful photo! Makes me sigh and smile...

  13. fantastic catch! mine's up too...

  14. Anonymous4:31 pm

    That's wonderful, JAMS. I have a couple of cars that are survivors.

    Happy WW/WT! Mine is up with a post date of Wednesday.
    Cheating? No, I'm old and that is doing good for me just to get it ...
    BTW, I don't know if I'll check Wilson out or not. His comment wouldn't last over an hour on my blog.
    His grammer is atrocious. :-)

  15. This just makes me want spring to spring. I so want to see flowers and the green leaves on the trees. And all the fruit trees in the beautiful white and pink blossoms. Thanks for the color and have a great WW. :)

  16. Anonymous5:49 pm

    I love the colors... gorgeous.

  17. Anonymous5:56 pm


  18. That's an inspired shot. The flower looks to have its own internal lighting. Cool.

  19. Jams, this is another lovely shot. Sort of inspirational isn't it, these little survivors?

  20. Anonymous7:19 pm

    Ooops I was distracted by that very long comment.

    I'm not much of a photographer myself but maybe I should find some new batteries for the camera.

  21. Anonymous7:29 pm

    WOW! GORGEOUS! Love the photo effects too:)

  22. Anonymous8:32 pm

    wow, so beautiful!! Love the color, Jams.

  23. This is beautiful!

    My WW is at:

  24. What a gorgeous shot. Love it!

  25. Indeed a Winter survivor. It looks stunning.
    Mine's up too.

  26. Nice flower. Happy
    WW! :)

  27. Absolutley beautiful:) Happy WW.

  28. If it lasted into the winter - and it's a Chinese symbol for New Year luck - I'd say you might have a good 2008! Hope so. Happy WW!

  29. Woah - knock me over and slap me silly. That's spectacular!

    Come by and see mine -- more of a statement, actually. I'm about to get a makeover and change my name. Tho't I'd let you know. Happy WW :)

  30. Beautiful flower !

    PS Look at this Wilson he wrote a whole romance some people really are something !

  31. As usual, you amaze...I'm sorry it's been a while since I stopping by-I can't visit during work anymore and that severly cuts into blog hopping. :(

  32. the anticipation is so palpable i love it and the colors are so awesome

  33. a hardy little thing.... blooming in winter. beautiful....

  34. Love the colors of the flower and its hardy look. Really nice photo.

  35. I've never seen a marigold look so good! The colors are gorgeous!

    Write From Karen

  36. Lovely shot of a brave little survivor.

  37. Anonymous4:08 pm

    that is one amazing and beautiful flower!!!

  38. Lovely. Its one of my favourite flowers.
    Happy WW.

  39. OMG! This is another absolutely STUNNING photography. It is breathtaking Jams!!!

    [to answer your question about my "hubby's" ships he served on in the Navy...the years he served was WAY back in the early 60s.]

    Have a great day.

  40. oh verrrry pretty!
    I likey :D

  41. Lovely shot! Happy WW.

  42. Anonymous4:59 pm

    Flowers are such beautiful subjects. Love your treatment on this one.

    ZAM aka Mama Meji

  43. That's something to lighten up the darl winter nights.

    Great entry

  44. Ah, makes me long for spring...
    Thanks for your visit to It’s A Blog Eat Blog World

  45. Hey Jams! Poor lonely flower, holding on with all it's might. It's still pretty too.

    Happy WW!

  46. Anonymous5:45 pm

    Thats a pretty flower.. TC Happy WW! mine is up.

  47. That's a pretty flower. But it looks like it might BITE me!

    ps: What's the deal with Wilson?

  48. Anonymous5:48 pm

    Oh, does this mean spring is just around the corner then? I wish! Lovely shot, as always. Thanks for your visit to my blog today too Jams. Happy WW and every day to you.

  49. Anonymous5:56 pm

    Oh Jams, its beautiful. I love the dark reddish corner at the edges and they its curled up like trying to protect itself from the cool weather.

  50. Thanks for visiting everyone

  51. It's impressive, how some things can survive and even thrive in harsh conditions.

    Happy WW.

  52. Anonymous7:36 pm

    What a cheerful image -- and you've captured it really well. Let's hear it for the Winter Marigold!

  53. Beautiful indeed! Happy WW!

  54. Beautiful. I love the color and detail of the flower. A terrific photo.

  55. Anonymous11:33 pm

    lovely and beautiful!

    great shot too

  56. Beautiful marigold, the colors are very pleasant :) These are oftened displayed in homes during the Lunar New Year :)

  57. That is a stunning shot! I love the color.

  58. Great shot...and interesting post about the nude flights?!
