
29 February 2008

The dreaded leap day

29 February is a day to strike fear into the hearts of men, it being the day when women can propose. I took to my bed with the duvet over my head (although that may also be due to a chest infection making me feel like crap) but the not-wife assured me that she had not proposed on any of the leap days since we first met in 1981 and she had no intention of breaking with that tradition....


  1. Huh! A woman after my own heart. I am married but that was only after a decade of living in sin. I like to think of it as a trade off.
    Hope you're all better soon.

  2. Interesting. I didn't know about this. To this day and after being married for over 23 years we still don't agree on who proposed to whom...but at any rate, it wasn't on a Feb 29th...At least we both agree on that!

  3. Shame, men were all safe from me today too as I'm still fighting my infection :( Hope you feel better soon too jams.

  4. Anonymous8:05 pm

    I never heard of the dreaded Leap Day proposal before this. Is that something that's a custom where you are?

  5. May you and the not-wife enjoy many leap days to come. :)

    Get well soon, Jams.

  6. Jams, sick again? You are having a rough year. Well even is she is not proposing I hope the not-wife is taking good care of the invalid!

  7. Thanks everyone. We've done 17 years now Maddy.

    I hope you have a great silver annivcersary party Mar. To be honest in this day and age it shouldn't really matter who should propose to who!

    LOL Alison. I hope you're feeling better soon too!

    It's certainly a British tradition Static Brain. I'm not sure if it is a tradition in other countries

    THanks Sean. I'm feeling a lot better today, mercifully. A bit tired though.

    Thanks jmb. It hs ben a rotten 12 months or so, Cracjed rib and puuled intercostal muscles, vicious colds, an infected sebaceous cyst and some other problems too. I yearn for some stability!

  8. My mom has had bronchitis for the past two weeks. She doesn't have insurance, either and got advice from the pharmacist who told her that she needed to stop working and get better. Easier said than done when my mom is a widow and sole caretaker of a teenager with Down's Syndrome and the only source of support. She has no choice but to continue working. She also thinks she cracked a rib from violent coughing.

    And then my grandma is in critical condition because a dangerous air pocket formed when they closed the hole in her diaphragm.

    Without your health, you're nothing. It's really true. And really sad. I hope you get to feeling better, jams!

  9. THat's a terrible state of affairs for your mum EWBL. I cracked a rib coughing in late 2006. It was horrible. I hope she's feeling okay soon.

    I really am sorry to hear about your gran EWBL. I hope she is better soon/ She is in my thoughts

  10. Congratulations on disaster narrowly averted. I made it through the day un-engaged as well.

  11. Hmmm.. never knew about that specific tradition. I was got to on a banal New Year's Eve ;-)

    Yeah - hope you are in shape by now.

  12. And congratulations to you too Chris!

    Well there you go Snoopy!. New Year's Eve?
