
10 February 2008

So I'm an Orwell book then

You're 1984!

by George Orwell

You have this uncanny feeling that you're always being watched. Thus
life has become a bit of a show as you try to portray yourself as much more reputable
than you actually are. All around you, people seem to accept an unending stream of lies
and propaganda without flinching. Your only hope may be a star-crossed love affair, but
pain seems stonger than love. If you have any older brothers, be very wary of

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Make of that what you will. Hat tip to fellow Flann O'Brien fan Sean Jeating for this quiz.


  1. Just dropping by today to send along my heartfelt thanks for such a lovely happy birthday wish! Y'all made my day so special yesterday, and I cherished every single wish left in my comments. You're a treasure!!! Thank you kindly!!!

    I'm gonna go take the quiz, right now. hehehehehe

  2. I knew it, BB.

    I am Ulysses. Not Penelope, for sure....

  3. You're welcome Anii. I hope you had a great day

    As in Leopold Bloon Red?

  4. Anonymous7:02 pm

    Well that looks like fun, I might just give it a go.

  5. It is fun Maddy. Enjoy!

  6. I hate this quizz! I get either Dune or The Guns of August. I am beginning to think they only have six books.

  7. Hmm that's not so good jmb. Perhaps I came up lucky!

  8. I was "One Hundred Years of SOlitude"... I think your label for this post says it all.

  9. That book is on my Top 10 all time favorites list!

  10. Definitely in mine too EWBL

  11. :) Nice to see what literary persons we are.
    This, just to tell that I am back. Not that I had been on the route with Siddharta, but spend the weekend gardening due to a defect router. :)

  12. Welcome back Sean. Glad the router's back in action!
