
25 March 2008

Health & Safety and Crucifixion

A little late I know, but I did not spot this item until now. Health officials in the Philippines issued a warning over the safety of Easter crucifixion rituals.

Officials urged participants them to get tetanus vaccinations before they flagellate themselves and are nailed to crosses, and to practise good hygiene. Penitents were strongly advised to check the condition of their whips as they wanted people to have what they call "well-maintained" whips. They also advised that the nails used to fix people to crosses must be properly disinfected first.

Surreal as this sounds there is a method in this madness: using unhygienic whips and dirty nails could lead to tetanus and other infections.

Every Good Friday, in towns across the Philippines, people atone for sins or give thanks for an answered prayer by re-enacting the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. In the northern city of San Fernando alone there were three separate improvised Golgothas and four people had pledged to have their feet and hands nailed to wooden crosses, while others will flog themselves while walking barefoot through villages.


  1. Do you think they just get in a frenzy or really believe?

  2. It is good Arroyo's government is watching over the people. The UN should issue stigmata guidelines.

  3. they should've issued this safety warning long ago because peeps here in the Phils were practicing this re-enactment for ages.

    have you been to the Phils?

  4. I think they truly believe Welshcakes. I must admit I find it hard to get my head around such a level of devotion.

    To me there's something surreal about issuing such guidelines, Ren.

    Your're quite right Ettey, if people are going to do this then they should minimise risks to health. I've never been to the Phils. One, day perhaps

  5. Oh it is Jan. It's not something I would do though!

  6. OMG. I'm a believer, a strong believer, but I can't imagine doing anything remotely so harsh. Willingly being nailed to a cross!?!?! Good Lord.

  7. I don't mock their devotion but it is an extreme form of expressing it!
