
02 April 2008

Now we are two

Here startes year three of the Poor Mouth's life. When I started I didn't know how long I would last before I got tired and gave up - I didn't expect to make it to two years!

I am grateful to everyone who continues to visit, everyone who has linked to the Poor Mouth and to everyone who has left comments over the last two years. Without you the Poor Mouth is nothing.


  1. Anonymous9:09 pm

    Congratulations Jams. I look forward to the next year. So glad I found your place.

  2. Sláinte, Jams! :)
    As it can be pretty exhausting having to celebrate two anniversaries within one week, in a couple of minutes the promised cup of anti-hangover-coffee will be 'online' for you. :)
    Flann will be there, too.

  3. Thanks Vixen. I.m glad you like the Poor Mouth

    Sean Thanks so much I covet your ciffee mug!

  4. Congratulations. Looking forward to the third year already!


  5. Congratulations, jams, on 2 years of great posts!

  6. Wow! congratulations :-) I look forward to your third year of interesting posts :-)

  7. Happy Anniversary! May you continue for decades to come.

  8. Congratulations Jams. Two birthdays in one week. Did you start your blog as a birthday present to yourself?

  9. Aww thanks everyone for your kind words. Remember there is fresh drivel (almost) every day!

    jmb if truth were told the Poor Mouth had a false start in December 2005. I stopped after just a week. I cleared the old entries and started again in April. I actually started the blog with the intention of it being a political attack blog but I realised it would not be of interest to anyone, least of all me. I did a lot of soft left politics at the start but that tailed off as I realised I was just not so interested in politics anymore. Nowadays I think it's a reasonable reflection of my personality.

  10. Jams, I've just noticed that I commented before when I was signed in as my son, gatorunit! But i'm sure he would congratulate you too!

  11. Anonymous3:47 pm

    Well, here's to the next two years.
    I wonder if mine could make one let alone two... mind you, I have had about a dozen sites in the last year!
    If I had been able to get on Blogger in August '06, I might have 18 months under my belt.
    Anyway, keep it going.

  12. Congratulations! Long may you flourish.

  13. Ah I was wondering who gatorunit was Liz Thanks again!

    Aileni, Dragonstar, THanks very much for your wishes

  14. Anonymous3:25 pm

    Happy Birthday or Blogday or whatever. Well done.

  15. A belated happy second Blogiversary (™Jeralyn Merritt), jams! May you blog for many years to come!

  16. Thanks Steve. I fully intend to see my 3rd and 4th blogiversaries!
