
18 May 2008

Humanoid/Lizard hybrid not responsible for South Carolina van attack

not the van attack culprit

Police in Bishopsville SC have confirmed that DNA tests prove that an attack on a family van was done by a domestic dog and not a Lizard Man. Something had chewed up the front fender of Bob and Dixie Rawson's van in February. Bite marks were left on the wheel wells and blood was found on the vehicle.

However, Lee County Sheriff E.J. Melvin isn't convinced that the perpetrator was a family dog. He thinks it was a coyote or wolf.

Over the last 20 years there have been sightings in the area of a tall, big-eyed swamp creature. Authorities never figured out exactly what prompted the sightings.


  1. Anonymous2:50 am

    There is a rumor that some people in that area make and imbibe seriously intoxicating potables derived from corn.

    After 150 proof, the world can get pretty strange.

  2. Hey that looks just like my ex mother-n-law her daughter looked very good tho being born by a lizard woman. :D

  3. SO are you saying that these sightings are all moonshine, Bryan!

    Haha Roger! Why is it that mothers in law often take on that appearance!

  4. Jams

    I lived in an area known for monster sightings. I was amazed how almost all of these Champy sightings involved alcohol, fog and full moons.

    Some of the other legends were tall tales spun to entertain city folk. The famed "Werechuck" turned out to be a racoon with a Jolly Green giant can stuck on its head. I was there when the lady took the can off. The locals described a huge Woodchuck with a glow in the dark head.

  5. Lol I was going to ask was it the moonshine they was drinking.

  6. I don’t know….it seems like this monster could be smart enough o disguise his bite marks like that of a dogs to remain hidden and aloof. In fact, I am sure that is the case!

  7. Anonymous2:15 pm

    Its an extra from an early X-Files episode who got lost.

  8. Interesting, I never heard about Lizard Man.

  9. Ah you lived near Lake Champlain Beakerkin? I must admit I am very sceptical of such sightings. Still it could ahve been one of Icke's reptilians in its normal state!

    Roland that's the thing. The lizard man must have been trying to lay a false trail!

    Could be Aileni.. or it could be a real lizard man of course!

    I hadn't heard of this one either LB.

  10. Oh my.

    And I'm a mother-in-law and I don't look like that!! I hope. though I might to my children-in-law ...

  11. The not-wife's mother was definitely not of the lizard ilk either Liz!

  12. Jams

    I lived three miles from Lake Champlain and had to deal with all the same stories.

    I did put an end to the "werechuck" talk.

  13. Ah I can imagine they got a bit samey after a while

  14. That picture made me hungry for some frog legs.

  15. No, definitely not one of our reptilians. We keep them busy ;-)

  16. Oooh EWBL it brings out the French in you.. Ooh la la!

    Ah I'm glad to ehar that Snoopy.. Nothing like a lazy reptoid.. they get ideas otherwise, eh?
