
07 May 2008

Will it be finally Congratulations to Cliff ?

Forty years ago, Cliff Richard is was the hot favourite to win Eurovision. He was young, handsome and godly and his song Congratulations was arguably the finest song to be written in the 60s. His coronation should have been a formality but he had not counted on a terrible act of perfidy which ensured that the Spanish entry won Eurovision for the first and only time.

This terrible stain on the career of a man who is now regarded as a living saint by every religion on the planet (even the Church of Satan) may yet be removed. An investigation in Spain has uncovered skullduggery which, it says, shows the dictator Francisco Franco had the vote rigged, ensuring that the Briton, then a 27-year-old starlet, never had a chance of winning with his song, Congratulations.

According to Montse Fernandez Vila, the director of the film called 1968: I lived the Spanish May, Franco was determined to claim Eurovision glory for his own country. The investigation, which is due to be broadcast shortly, details how El Generalísimo was so keen to improve Spain's international image that he sent corrupt TV executives across Europe to buy goodwill in the run-up to the contest. Their mission was successful and Congratulations was beaten to the top spot by the Spanish singer Massiel with La La La.

"Massiel's win was fixed," Vila said "It's in the public domain that Televisión Española executives travelled around Europe buying series that would never be broadcast and signing concert contracts with odd, unknown groups and singers. These contracts were translated into votes. It was these bought votes that won Eurovision for Massiel. The regime was well aware of the need to improve its image overseas ... When you look at all the parties they organised and how Massiel was transformed into a national heroine, you realise it was rather over the top for a singing competition. It was all intended to boost the regime."

Sir Cliff, who is touring Germany, sounded jubilant at the revelations. "If, like they say, they believe there is evidence that it was I that was the winner, there won't be a happier person on the planet," he said, recalling that fateful evening at the Royal Albert Hall. It's never good to lose, never good to feel a loser. When I went on that night I said to the band: 'Look guys, there will be 400 million people watching, it will be a massive plug for our song.' And it was. I think we sold a million singles. But we really wanted to win."

Being crowned victor would dovetail nicely with his British tour later this year, he said. Although he conceded that opening an official investigation into the rigged vote "might not be worth the trouble", the belated verdict would mean a lot to him."I'd be quite happy to be able to say I won Eurovision '68. It's an impressive date in the calendar these days."

Vindication could, however, still be some way off. Jamie McLoughlin, who runs the Eurovision website Whoops Dragovic, has his doubts over the documentary's claims."La La La was controversial from the start as it was originally to be performed in Catalan, but Franco wouldn't allow it, so the woman who eventually sang it was only brought in at the last minute," he said."The more obvious answer for the landslide of votes from Germany, the penultimate country to vote for Spain, which tipped the result Massiel's way is - rather boringly - she went on a really popular German TV show the week before the contest to perform her song."Still, if it means Blighty can somehow get win number six from all this digging, I certainly won't complain."

Sir Cliff was similarly philosophical yesterday. He clearly doesn't hold Massiel accountable for the vote 40 years ago; and if the adjudication is reversed, he has promised to send her a signed copy of Congratulations

Personally I believe that this dark act is justification for war. Not only should we send a gunboat to Madrid forthwith we should send an army of millions to Spain this summer to occupy their beaches and act as obnoxiously as possible.


  1. Yes, and also send the freshly baked hero Harry, lol ! I never cared about Eurovision although I used to watch it and do my private vote together with some friends. I have seen Cliff Richard twice here in Brussels, once when he was very young (we have about the same age) and once when he was old (as I became too) but I still love his songs he is timeless !

  2. Anonymous11:09 am

    Hahahaha.... so history repeats itself .. The British it seems will be landing on the beaches of France once again !!!

    Cliff Richard has been known for his clean and non controversial image . I doubt if this delayed acknowledgment will really amount to much ( if it comes at all) .. The fact that "Congratulations " is so very popular the world over and for so many decades is a tribute his fans have given him that perhaps no 'official' recognition can accord him .

    But do take "Summer Holiday " seriously ...and go for that trip to Spain :P

  3. No way....I was just saw what Cliff Richard looks like for the first time last week! Eerily, he looks BETTER now than he did back then. He must suffer from Dick Clark Syndrome. He was wearing leather pants and a pink blazer in this 2005 concert clip and he looked fantastic.

    I've been obsessing over that song, 'It's So Funny How We Don't Talk Anymore' since I was a kid. I love it! I also love his duet with Olivia 'Suddenly' from the movie Xanadu. Stupid movie. Great soundtrack.

    And finally, my son's basketball coach called me and introduced himself as Cliff Richards. I geek out and start saying, Cliff Richards? Like the English pop star Cliff Richards??!? He doesn't know who the hell I'm talking about so then I start singing Cliff's Greatest Hits. My son about died of embarrassment. And then we met his tall, handsome, young black coach that Saturday.

    I guess he isn't one and the same with THE Cliff Richards. :)

  4. She's Just A Devil Woman WIth Evil In Her Eyes

  5. You know I don't think he hit it that big here in the States. They hardly ever play him on the oldies stations.

    Maybe Franco was in on that one too.

  6. This was interesting. I don't really know this story.

    I always think it would be great if these huge ego-centric dictators like Franco end up as washed up has-beens, preferably somewhere in the US, doing jobs for which they are totally unappreciated. Off-topic, but the post made me think about that.

  7. This was interesting. I don't really know this story.

    I always think it would be great if these huge ego-centric dictators like Franco end up as washed up has-beens, preferably somewhere in the US, doing jobs for which they are totally unappreciated. Off-topic, but the post made me think about that.

  8. Very interesting. The story behind the story.

  9. I can't say I'm a fan of Cliff myself Gattina. I was beign a little tongue in cheeek. That said I love Eurovision. It's a carnival of the awful!

    He remains very popular Shubd. It would amuse me if he was awarded the 1968 title after all these years though even if it signifies very little in reality

    I get the feeling that he has a portrait in the attic that does the ageing for him- just like Dorian Gray. A baseball coach that doesn't know Cliff? He will never enter the gates of heaven EWBL!

    Just remember that she going to get you! THere are a lot of people who don't cross the atlantic. A lot of stars here are just not known in the US. Conversely George Carlin is not known here (a big shame I think!)

    I know what you mean catsynth. Franco died in office and had a huge mausoleum sadly.

    Glad you found it interesting kathy

  10. He was a favourite when I was MUCH younger, I wouldn't listen to his stuff now, give me Ac/Dc and Kiss any day. But not to detract from his popularity today, the blue rinse brigade still love him , ha LOL Jams, your last comment made me smile.

  11. Oh no!!! Not war... Peaceful option first...


  12. Anonymous3:36 am

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  13. Give me Whole Lott a Rosie too Nunyaa

    I agree Cherry. Better to make love on the beach than war!
