
02 June 2008

Cephalaria Bud


  1. More plamt pornography no wonder your
    blog is banned in China and mine isn't. I am trying to think of this picture with a blue dot.

    The big wildlife story in these parts
    is Black Bear found in Monsey NY. Beavers in Manhattan was about a month ago.

  2. What an amazing photo.

  3. Haha Beakerkin,Perhaps China has a bann on brazen plant like hussies showing off their parts!

    Beavers inManhattan? I wish there were fewer objections to their reintroduction in Scotland.

    Thanks Liz. Glad you like it!

  4. Wow that's lovely :-)

  5. wow
    What's a cephalaria?
    This looks like a seed pod. Is it actual color? I can't stop looking at it!
    I'm trying as hard as I can to learn these plant things but there are like a zillion in Vermont that I don't know yet. Hours of research for each blog post.

  6. Andrée made exactly the same comment as I was going to. What is it and it looks like a seed pod to me too.

  7. Thanks everyone. The plant is the Cephalaria gigantium, This is what it looks like before it comes in to flower on tall flower spkes around 7 or 8 feet tall,

  8. Wow! THis is even more wonderful than the other one! Fascinating plant.

  9. Thanks Raven. Glad you like it. THere will be more shots to come!
