
29 June 2008

I knew it!

In a Past Life...

You Were: An Insane Monk.

Where You Lived: North Africa.

How You Died: Buried alive.

Hat tip to Snoopy for this one


  1. Jams,
    you can't have known what never happened. Believe a former friendly philosopher living in Turkey: You were born in Corkadoragha. I happened to be witness, unfortunately died, though,in the childbirth.

  2. Err Sean, that one may be better kept under wraps!

  3. Golly, you are right, son.
    I suggest in case anyone starts asking embarrassing question such as 'Is it true, Jams, that you killed your Mum in the childbed?, to tell that it's all the fault of the 'only man' who misled the normally taciturn Sean to tell the truth ... err ... nonsense.
    Whatever comes, we'll stick it out.

  4. We'll stick to our guns Sean!

  5. Yikes!

    Apparently, I was a famous poet who lived in Portugal, and I died from dysentery.

  6. I came out a cross between you and Sean when I did this. The meme I did today however :-/

  7. Haha Cherie I did that one a while back. I'll have to look back at the result!
