
09 June 2008

Perhaps Hydrogen Sulphide doesn’t smell so bad after all

Although highly poisonous hydrogen sulphide could soon provide doctors with new treatments for conditions ranging from strokes to chronic arthritis. Some researchers are even trying to use it to put patients with strokes or serious injuries into a form of suspended animation to help them survive severe traumas. This research is now being backed by the US military, who believe it could help their surgeons cope with injuries suffered by soldiers in battle.

'Hydrogen sulphide is made in very low doses in the body and, far from doing harm, it has become clear that it can do a great deal of good,' said Dr John Wallace, a pharmacologist at the University of Calgary in Canada. 'It is found in the brain and is also thought to control blood pressure. It is quite pervasive, in fact.'

One key piece of research has shown that hydrogen sulphide could protect against internal bleeding, ulcers and other gastric effects suffered by those on long-term regimes of anti-inflammatory painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen. In a series of experiments on rats and mice, Wallace and his colleagues found that these painkillers - when administered with chemicals that released hydrogen sulphide into the gut - produced no harmful side effects. 'Now we are preparing to repeat these experiments on humans,' said Wallace, who has formed a company, Antibe Therapeutics, to create drugs based on hydrogen sulphide technology. 'We envisage using standard medicines, mixed with hydrogen sulphide-releasing chemicals, as painkillers that will not cause internal bleeding to long-term users.'

Hydrogen sulphide research in medicine began three years ago when Dr Mark Roth, of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre in Seattle, Washington, found that mice exposed to low levels of the gas passed out, their body temperatures dropped more than 20C and their metabolic rates plunged. Once the gas was switched off, they returned to normal. Now Roth is working on research aimed at reproducing the effect in humans, buying time for patients who have had heart attacks, strokes or wounds that have caused drastic losses of blood.

'I still get startled reactions from other scientists when I put forward proposals to use it for medical research,' said Wallace. '"Isn't this a poison?" they say to me. Then I point out what researchers have already found and they look stunned.'

No comment on this article but the the usual "ain't science wonderful!"


  1. Hydrogen sulphide. Hmm... talk about farting...

    So if you see somebody collapsing after a stroke, the salvation might be... no, perish the thought ;-)

  2. Oh dear no, my farts INDUCE comas, not relieve them!
