
11 July 2008

Photo Hunt - Support

The theme for this week's Photo Hunt is support. Stretching the definition, here is another statue from the Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris. It is from the tomb of 19th century scientist and socialist Francois-VincerFrancois Raspail. The statue also appears on the cover of the Dead Can Dance album Within the Realm of a Dying Sun

I will be a bit slow in visiting this week. An injured finger makes typing hard!


  1. Great take on the theme.
    Very creative.
    I do feel sorry for your finger!

  2. That's an interesting statue. I think it works well for the theme. I'm sorry about your finger and hope it will recover soon. Take care.

  3. Anonymous10:07 pm

    What a fabulous statue. I love it for the theme. Hope your injury heals quickly!! happy weekend...

  4. I love this type of cemetery art :) Have a nice weekend Jams and hope you feel better soonly :)

  5. I've been to Père Lachaise but missed this one! I was hunting for Piaf's and Oscar's tombs and was cursing because people don't die alphabetically! Anyway, great pic and hope the finger heals soon.

  6. I will definitely visit this cemetery next time I'm in Paris. Great take on the theme, and thx for dropping by to see mine. Hope your finger heals quickly! :D

  7. Ah, I haven't been to Paris in more than a decade. Pere Lachaise is a great place, thanks for reminding me with that picture.

    Hope your finger will improve soon.

  8. Great idea for today's theme... Happy weekend! Hope you'll visit mine too.

  9. Well, that's different! Nice Photo of the statue. Do you need support for your poor finger?

  10. LOL at Welshcakes alphabetical comment :-)

    Love the photo and hope your finger is better soon!

  11. What an eerie statue, does make for great photo though. Hope your finger gets better soon, can't have you out of action for too long.

  12. Hope your finger gets better soon!

  13. Anonymous1:12 am

    Interesting statue. Hope your finger gets better soon.

  14. hat is dramatic I hope you heal well is that your camera finger too:(

  15. That is pretty solemn for support but it works well for this week's theme Jams :)

    p/s: You forgot to leave ur link in my linky :(

  16. thanks jams, I like it when I learn stuff

  17. Liked this place did you Jams? It's a bit sombre but then it is a cemetery. Hope you are back in full typing mode soon. We need voice activated commenting! Right now! Have a good weekend.

  18. Great photo Jams. Have you been overblogging and injuring yourself? Get well soon.

    I love Welshcakes comments too. I went to that Cemetry in the 1980s. I love interesting cemeteries.

  19. Anonymous6:11 am

    That is an interesting and famous statue.

    Hope you feel better :)

  20. Anonymous7:19 am

    Unusual but so effective for the theme. Hope the finger recovers soon.

  21. Do injured digits turn one all classic, Bonaparte? Just wondering about your brooding piece today. :)

  22. You never fail to outdo yourself!
    I would love to be able to travel to some of the European sites like that. I'm enamored of that type of statuary...

  23. Anonymous8:57 am

    Very special take on the theme! hope the injured finger heals soon.
    Happy weekend :)

  24. Anonymous9:06 am

    Wow.. impressive, it's as if he's supporting himself LOL

    well, good take this weekend :)

  25. wow ... that's a wonderful shot! love the drama, including the black and white treatment!

  26. The statue certainly got my attention and so did your injured finger. What happened? Blogging too much, it got stuck between the keys. hehe....

  27. Oh yes, I like this! "Stretching the point"? Looks like a good stretch for the statue.
    Take care of your finger.

  28. Anonymous9:35 am

    Dead Can Dance, that was back in early years of college for me. Anyway, the statue is creepy but interesting.

  29. Anonymous9:38 am

    Your poor finger sounds as if it needs Support.
    I have the wicked sense that the statue is turning away - 'Oh, not another photographer!'

  30. Anonymous9:45 am

    That's an interesting photo! Gt me thinking when I opened your blog:) Nice entry as usual!

  31. That's an interesting statue! Nice choice for the theme. We hope your finger heals quickly!

  32. Woah, very interesting statue -- though, yeah, I must admit that I'd like to have its 'support' connection made more explicit. Maybe after your finger heals? Get well soon re it! ;S

  33. What an interesting statue, and pose! I've been to Paris a few times but never got to Pere Lachaise cemetery. Hopefully, someday..

  34. Anonymous10:33 am

    It's a superb statue, supporting itself on the tomb like that. I'm not especially enamoured of Père Lachaise though I will admit there are gems like this. Great shot!

    I hope you injury mends rapidly.

  35. I like this intepretation.

    Save your finger for more important work

  36. Anonymous10:46 am

    What a neat statue! Hope your finger heals fast! Have a wonderful weekend.

  37. Interesting statue - it looks eerie to me though. Hope your finger heals soon. Have a great weekend.

  38. scary statue...but a great entry for this week's theme! get well soon!

  39. the black and white effect really creates a certain sombre feeling. Nice take ;)

    Pearl - happy hunting

  40. That is a really amazing statue!

    ps: I hope your finger is better soon.

  41. Oh Jams....another great one. Hope your injury heals quickly!!

  42. Anonymous1:53 pm

    Creative take on Support! Great image! Cheers, Klaus

  43. BEautiful!

    Hope your finger is better soon.

  44. it is a great n beautiful structure. my 9 yr old son said he got scared jus looking at it :)

  45. Strange, but interesting.

    Hope your finger heals soon.

  46. Sorry about the finger. Very interesting statue.

  47. Anonymous3:38 pm

    Wow! Such a creative take on the them, Jams!

  48. Anonymous7:18 pm

    It does kind of look like, without the building for support, the statue might fall over. Hope the finger is well soon... can't have it interfering with your blogging, haha.

  49. Hope your finger gets better quickly.
    Very interesting! Is the hand on the windowsill?

  50. That is great for the theme...get well soon...

  51. The statue and story makes my hair stands on ends. If I am a younger, I might dream that I need support from the creepy figure. I hope your figure would not hurt anymore.

  52. Oh jams, I'm sorry about your poor finger :( Incredible shot of the statue in the cemetery!

  53. Sorry about your finger and hope that you are OK. Great take on the theme with your black and white today!

  54. i love that photo, it's powerful.

    thanks for the visit! :)

  55. Thank you so much for your kind wishes and your visit - sorry to hear about your finger. Hope you'll be well again soon!

    Great photo as usual, b.t.w. I expected nothing else =)


  56. Beautiful photo... I guess we can go so far as to say that "you are supporting photohunt by posting this picture" hehe

  57. That's a scary photo.

    Sorry about your finger. Hope it will mend soon.
