
13 September 2008

And another rotten joke

There is a specialist tea shop in Liverpool called (unsurprisingly) the Mersey which can provide any sort of tea. If it's out there then Mersey has it. One day a man goes into the shop and asks to try their rarest tea. He is told that this is the famous Australian Koala tea from Coober Pedy and that he would be welcome to try a cup.

He is presented with a cup of dark but cloudy tea. The man finds it very palatable but there is something wrong with the texture. He is distreessed to find bits of hair and other unidentifed lumps in it so he points this out to the shop,s owner. The owner replies

"Surely you know that the Koala tea of Mersey is not strained."


  1. Anonymous6:56 pm

    Good one; must have the Bard turning in his grave ;-)

  2. Double groan! Where do you find things like this? No, don't tell me - I really don't think I want to know!!!

  3. Grrrrrrrroooooooooooaaaaaaannnn!!!!Can I swipe this for my Groaner of the Week feature?

  4. whew! somebody's on a roll today :)

  5. Glad it made you all groan! Kaym, by all means!

  6. Thanks!!!!! It will be featured -- with attribution, of course -- on my blog on Monday! You, of course, are welcome to swipe any of mine from my archives.

  7. Took a lot of buildup, that one, Jams.

  8. Thanks Kay. I will certainly have a look!

    It did but it was so worth it eh James!

  9. Anonymous11:46 am

    here's my version of it, made back on St.Patrick's day, March 17th :-

  10. Fresh from the bed of my son (avoiding going to sleep).

    Why did the matches and the scissors cross the road.

    So that they could do burn outs and cut corners.

    Not bad for a seven year old.

    Yours on the other hand....

  11. Glad to make you all groan. Nice one Stu. THat's a good one. Colinany 7 year old has better jokes than me!
