
03 September 2008

Oops 2

Last week the Shanghai Daily carried an item about a bizarre incident that took place in Eastern China. A man was struck by lightning just as he lifted an iron bar over his head to swear that god would punish him if he had taken money from his friend.

The man, who was identified as Xu, had borrowed 500 yuan (US$73.21) from a close friend surnamed Huang three years ago. Xu, who lived in Fuqing City, Fujian Province, later forgot all about it, but Huang remembered and complained before other friends that Xu had taken money from him.

Last Tuesday, Huang took a wooden rod and rushed to Xu's home asking him to return the money. Xu too confronted Huang with an iron bar and stood his ground. Huang then told Xu that he should swear before god that he was not in his debt. Xu lifted the iron bar over his head and said if he owed Huang money, the god would punish him. Just then he was struck by lightning.

He was later taken to hospital, and doctors said his injuries were not serious.

I am in a reasonably good mood today hence the silly-ish posts. My father went into hospital for an operation which seems to have been successful. Unless something intervenes he will be discharged later today. At his age (82) there is always the worry that procedures could have an adverse outcome. While he doesn’t teach judo anymore (he did until well into his 60s) he is still in pretty good shape.


  1. That's good news about your father. I hope all continues well. I think you're entitled to some light-hearted posts!

  2. THanks Dragonstar. I'm off to get him now

  3. That's not as bad as ... um, hang on, it'll come to me ... in the meantime good news about your father. Hope he makes a fast and complete recovery. He's not the sort of man to mess with obviously!

    I had to look it up. Ananias, who was struck dead for lying about money to God.

  4. Ah Life following the Old Testament!

  5. Anonymous3:53 pm

    Glad your father is sound and hope that he continues thus.

  6. Good story, all the best to your father, and I hope you are not turning in your devil worship implements in favor of CoE membership now after reading this story ;-)

  7. Thanks Aileni. He's out and although in pain he's quite cheerful. Here's hoping there are no complications during his recovery.

    Perish the thought Snoopy.. No CoE or even a return to to the RC!

  8. Best wishes to your Dad - and to you.

  9. THanks Welscakes. Dad's seems fine. IN some discomfort but otherwise fine.

  10. Jams, good to hear about your Dad. My parents are both 82 and I'm always counting my blessings that they stay fit and healthy.

  11. THanks Richard. I hope my parents remain in good health for a while yet.

  12. Judo? My kids take Kung Fu. As they whirl around their bo staffs at breakneck speed I question the wisdom of sending all 6 kids to something that will arm them to overthrow the parental dictatorship we've established in this here Infidel household. :)

  13. Best wishes for your father's improved health, jams.

    With names like "Huang" and "Fuqing City" in that story, I assumed it would conclude with some terrible extended pun. Maybe you could contrive one.

  14. I'd keep some nunchucks under the best EWBL,,nthe day when the nini infidels will rise up is not far off!

    Thanks Steve, Dad seems pretty cheerful. Here's hoping for no complications.

  15. Good story, Jams. You know where the saying 'Little sins the Lord punishes immediately' has its origin? :)

    Well, and as for the best news: Kind regards to the 'old Irish (Judo) sensei' and all my good wishes.

  16. I didn/t know the origin Sean! As for dad he seems to be doing reasonably well. I'lll go over and see him this evening

  17. Anonymous6:57 pm

    Glad your father is okay. This one had me laughing.

  18. Thanks byrningbunny. He's doing fine, mercifully
