
22 December 2008

Evil water

The New Scientist has a short item about “Dead” or “Evil” water affecting swimmers.

Ships sailing over a layer of warm that sits on top of saltier, or colder, layers are slowed by waves formed at the boundary of the layers which form a gulf beneath the ship slowing them by anything up to 80%.

Fluid dynamicist Leo Maas at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, and colleagues found that the same conditions also affect swimmers "We've been considering the possibility that the drownings of strong swimmers in fair-weather conditions might be the result of dead water, but until now, we weren't really sure if this phenomenon could strike something as small as a single human," says Maas. "Now it seems that it can."

I suppose if a ship can be slowed by the phenomenon then why not people? What is sure, the article is the perfect lead in to what must be the creepiest public information film ever made –a film made perfect by a Donald Pleasance voice over


  1. Yeah, that was super creey.

  2. You're also into ghoulish things. Well done, Jams and you've given me a post idea. :)

  3. Oh very much so James!

  4. Very creepy film indeed!

    Wishing you (and the not wife) a wonderful Christmas too xx

  5. One to give nightmares in our youth eh? Happy Xmas to you too Cherie

  6. Anonymous6:52 am

    Ah yes. I saw a clip of that on a tv show recently. Spooky stuff.

    Merry and Proper Crimbo to you.

  7. It's wonderful eh Guru! Happy Xmas. I hope a turkey dinner makes it up your pole!
