
21 January 2009

Mehmet Aygun RIP

Mahmut Aygun was one of those unsung heroes who made life just that little bit better in one way or another. Some people create great art, others are great scientists; Mehmet Aygun, who died in Berlin at the age of 87, was a culinary master who ensured that drunks had something spicy to eat (and puke) after a night on the pop..

Known as the "kebab king" Aygun born in Turkey and moved to Germany at the age of 16 to open a snack stall. He invented the doner kebab nearly 40 years ago. Although kebab meat, consisting of roast lamb and spices, had traditionally been served with rice, Mr Aygun saw that the future lay in putting the meat inside a pitta bread.

Mr Aygun once said: "I thought how much easier it would be if they could take their food with them."The first of the new snacks was served on March 2, 1971, at Hasir, his restaurant in Berlin.It was called a doner kebab after the Turkish word "dondurmek" which means a rotating roast.

Mr Aygun went on to invent the yoghurt sauce often served with a doner kebab. In Berlin his death was greeted with sadness and one headline read: "Thanks, Mahmut!"

Mahmut Aygun, we salute you!

At one point Myr Aygun was challenged by a group from the United States which claimed that the kebab had in fact been invented in California in 1846. However, the Truckee Lake Society was deemed not to have put forward sufficient proof that the Donner Kabob (as they called it) used similar seasonings or served the meat in a pitta. Furthermore it was considered that the Doner should use lamb and not Long pig....


  1. Anonymous9:23 am

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  2. You do find the most interesting people, Jams.

  3. God bless him!!!! Kebabs are a favorite meal or snack for me.

  4. Very interesting :-)

  5. It's not a joint, is it? How do they make the meat stuff?

  6. Probably best left a mystery Liz!

  7. I think that's why alcohol and kebabs go together so well: when you're sober you might balk at the strange meatlike substance being spooned into your pitta, but when drunk you wolf it down and ask for more!
    It's been a long time since I enjoyed a kebab, but the next time I do I'll intone "Mahmut Aygun, I salute you!" like the Lord's Prayer beforehand (and insist that others do likewise). Excellent post!

  8. Glad younlike it Doubtful Egg!

  9. Are there variants called "blood doner" or perhaps "sperm doner"? <grin_duck_run />

    Veggie kebabs do exist, but I've never found a place here that sells them. Nonetheless, anyone who made as many people happy as Mr. Aygun did deserves everyone's thanks, even people like me who would not have enjoyed his product. R.I.P., Mr. Aygun!

  10. What a sad loss. Thank you for advising your readers. I shall say a small prayer for him next time I purchase a Doner kebab.

  11. I haven't partaken in one for years Steve and am not likely to again but for those who are hungry and a bit drunk it is a thing of wonder!

    Glad to be of service Ardent!
