
16 February 2009

Mimi: 10 January 2004 - 16 February 2009

Mimi was put to sleep today after a short but serious deterioration in her condition, The vet believes that she may have had a teratoma in her brain. She may not have lived as long as other cats with Cerebellar Hypoplasia but she had a happy life and was much loved. We will miss her terribly


  1. my sister had her best friend put down december 22 with a gastrointestinal tumor. positive thoughts out to you and yours. it is hard indeed.

  2. Thanks Betmo. She was such a loving little cat. There is a grey hole in front of the fire+

  3. Anonymous4:34 pm

    Poor Mimi. Sad to hear of your loss.

  4. My warmest thoughts to you today.

    I know how much I love my cats so I can only imagine how tough this must be :(

    Take care pal!

  5. Never nice to lose a cat.

    Take care.

  6. Beamna, Vita, Hunter, Thanks for your kind thoughts

  7. Oh no... I am so sorry to hear that, Jams! :(

  8. Thanks LB she is sorely missed

  9. Its always sad to lose a pet... :-(

  10. Thanks Sally. It was a sad event.

  11. I am sorry to hear that.

    What a lovely photo tribute!

  12. Thanks Cherie. Friday will have some more photos of her for my cat blogging

  13. Anonymous10:58 pm

    Very sorry to see the news, Jams.

  14. I'm so sorry for your loss Jams!

  15. Anonymous11:35 pm

    My condolences, Jams.

    I will personally miss her look of absolute wonderment on my screen. She was a unique personality, even among cats.

    I'm sure there will be cheese at the Bridge.

  16. Jams I am so sorry.

    This is one of the hardest things to do, as I know full well, having done it twice. But you know if your vet advises it, it is the right thing to do. I am sure the other cats will miss her too.

  17. Jimmy, Kay, Bryan, jmb. THanks for your kind thoughts. It seems strange to come downstairs and not have a hyperactive cat toddling around and getting underfoot as you try to feed them. I'm sure there is more cheese than she can eat at the bridge Bryan... and that is a LOT of cheese!

  18. jams, I'm so very, very sorry. Mimi was a dear cat, and I know you miss her more than words can express. For those of us owned by a cat, saying goodbye is the hardest thing we ever have to do, especially if we have to decide it's time. All you can do is be grateful for the time you had with Mimi. We'll all be thinking of her... and of you.

  19. Thanks Steve. It was a decision we had to make but it was still hard. I was in tears at the on the way to the vet, at the vet and on the way home. I was happy yhaat she remained stubborn to teh end!

  20. Sorry to hear it, she looked like a great one. Take care.

  21. Oh she was Snoopy. She was a little darling

  22. I'm sorry to hear about that. I know from experience how hard losing a pet is. She looks right feisty in that picture!

  23. Thanks Egg. She was a stubborn little thing but so loving

  24. I will miss the ever confused Mimi
    who was photogenic and always good for a smile.

  25. Anonymous7:10 am

    So sorry to learn that you have lost your dear little kitty. I'm sure you will miss her.

  26. Very sorry to hear that your kitty. Mimi is very beautiful. We offer you our thoughts and sympathies.

  27. Thanks Beakerkin.. she was a delightful cat.

    Thanks Bobbie

  28. THanks Catsynth,,, At least we can be happy that she had a happy life here.

  29. What a beautiful friend! I'm glad you were her people...I'm so sorry.

  30. Oh I'm sorry to hear this, jams! Love to you and the not-wife.

  31. my condolences. I know the pain tt comes w losing a pet. It took my years b4 I decided to adopt my current dog. :)

  32. Jams,
    I found out about this sad news over at Beak's site.

    I offer you my sincerest condolences.

    As you know, I'm a real cat lover.

    We lost our old girl Sheba on December 1st. Mr. AOW and I miss her every day, though her last few years were a lot of "trouble" for us -- special food, litter pan issues, night howlings, feline Alzheimer's, etc. But, really, the trouble was no trouble; I'm sure you know what I mean.

  33. THanks everyone for your kind thoughts. It is a big wrench AOW. The trouble was definitely no trouble at all. We would give anything for her to still be crapping in the living room!

  34. Oh Mimi, I'm so sad!

  35. It really did hit us hard Alsion. so sudden

  36. jams,

    Sorry to hear Mimi's gone. Cheer up, though, she was lucky to have been cared for by you.

  37. Thanks Roman. I think she was one of the most pampered pets on the planet!

  38. Ah, Jams, I came here whenyou had just posted and there were no comments, and didn't know what to write. Words are sometimes so empty.
    However, I thought and still hope that Mimis 'new environment' will contain of a lovely fire-place and all the cheese she's ever been dreaming of.
    Well, and as for you, I hope that your sadness will soon be mildened by this and that little smile when this and that little episode comes to your mind.

  39. THanks Sean. I'm touched by your words and the words. Mimi was loved absolutely. I miss her but she had a good little life and gave us so much pleasure

  40. I'm very sorry for the loss of your kitty. I still miss my Mr. Silly and he left us 3 yrs ago .......

  41. Thanks Kimmie. I can belive that. They are such loveable creatures
