
06 February 2009

What a bargain!

It is with great thanks to Improbable Research that I have found a book that will truly change your life

“Spon’s Mechanical and Electrical Services Price Book 2009: Multi-user licence (Unknown Binding).” Costs a mere At $1,754,383.00 on an utter bargain and the customer reviews agree:

Darth Chooch gives it 5 stars: “After hearing Oprah promote this book on her show, I was very anxious to buy it. Believe the hype, ladies and gentlemen, this book is AMAZING! I couldn't put it down. This book touched me in so many ways, and I found so-many applications in my everyday life has completely changed. I have a better relationship with my wife and kids, I'm more successful at my job, I'm one of the finalists in the Publisher's Clearing House sweepstakes, the birds sing to wake me up in the morning and the squirrels iron my pants for me! I ended up purchasing a second copy of this book, my first copy had become so dog-eared and worn out I needed a second copy to keep for good. “

S Johnson also gives it 5 stars “I ,too, saw this book promoted on Oprah's television show... being a physic and astrology teacher, and being convinced by the glowing reviews at Amazon, I knew I could not dispense with this text as a reference. Anyone who is involved in science and engineering, or who have just a passing fancy in these subjects, NEEDS this reference manual...As far as engineering goes - the textbook goes into vivid details on how to contruct ancient weapons of siege and machines of flight. In fact, recent texts of Leonardo da Vinci has shown that he referenced Spon's book "Spon's Mechanical and Electrical Services Price Book 1500: Multi-user licence (Unknown Binding)" in developing all of his inventions and ideas. “

L Benjamin is not impressed and gives the book just one star: “This book has many glaring inconsistencies, however, none are serious. Strangely, the pricing for most of the eastern seaboard is omitted, however, the preface indicates that these will be included in the 2012 edition. I purchased a copy here, however, I was fortunately able to return it when I discovered that the local Books-a-Million carries it for only $846,322.87.”

Despite L Benjamin’s misgivings This book is essential reading. I am therefore going to raid my piggy bank, steal as many charity boxes as I can and embezzle takings from the Church bazaar so I can place my order...


  1. Well you do get free shipping ;-)

  2. Not if you pay for express delivery you don't!

  3. Curse my poverty! How can I continue my meagre existence with this font of wisdom closed off from me? (It would change my life, I'm sure; after my partner discovered I raised, and then spent, nearly $2 million dollars on such a book, she would make it her business to change (and quite possibly end) my life...)

  4. I see it in your eyes, Jams: You want it?
    Well, I was anyway looking for a nice birthday present for you.

  5. Zimbabwean Dollars it was, wasn't it?

  6. Ach my other half would end mine with extreme prejudice and ultraviolence Egg!

    It is Zimbabwean dollars the price is now $25788000000000000000000.75
    errr $4700980000000000000000000000000,01

    wait: 98000000570000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,21

  7. Phew, that much spondulicks? Does the number have a name?

  8. Sean it's called aa F**KING HELL!

  9. You mean that you still haven't bought one, Jams? Shame on you.

  10. You have me LOL, jams! :)

  11. It's a good one eh Mary?
