
02 March 2009

Catholic priest guilty of participating in Rwanda genocide

Media attention on the Catholic Church has been concentrated on Richard “I’m-not-anti- Semitic-but-for-me-PJ-means-Perish-Judah-and not-pyjamas” Williamson the news of Father Emmanuel Rukundo has been sentenced to 25 years in prison by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda passed by with little comment.

Rukundo, a military chaplain, was accused of orchestrating the killing of ethnic minority Tutsis in 1994 and was convicted by three judges for "genocide, murder as a crime against humanity and extermination as a crime". The tribunal, found that on at least four occasions in April and May 1994, Rukundo played an integral role in kidnapping and killing Tutsi refugees who sought shelter in a seminary. He was present as soldiers in the Rwandan armed forces abducted and killed a woman in 1994 and was guilty of sexually assaulting another woman.

Rukundo was arrested in Geneva in 2001 before being transferred to a UN detention facility. The court said the time he had spent in remand would be included as part of his sentence.

It goes without saying that Rukundo is a disgrace to the priesthood (What am I saying? he’s a piece of human excrement). I hope his sentence passes as slowly and as miserably as possible, preferably as a prison bitch. As for Williamson I hope He gets the clap off that vile Nazi Hag Michele Renouf


  1. Anonymous2:47 pm

    My gosh, If God could instantly punish them.

  2. I'm not religious but there are times when I wish there really was a hell for such people

  3. Which goes to show that the clergy is riddled with the other side.

  4. I don't understand how anyone can argue that the Holocaust never happened. And as for priests standing by and watching murder ...

  5. Amen to both ideas, Jams.

  6. Indeed James

    It beggars belief Liz

    In the absence of eternal damnation a bit of Hell on earth would seem appropriate Snoopy

  7. He will get his comeuppance I truly believe that!

  8. I really hope so Cherie

  9. Religious institutions are often sadly in bed with the Political parties. Sadly this is not new. At the end of WW11, the Catholic Church helped many of the major Nazis escape Germany to travel to South America, by providing relevant paperwork. It was called Project Paperclip.

    Very Sad.

  10. The Catholic Chirch has a very murky past and a turbid present. I doubt this priest's actions would have been sanctioned by anyone though
