
20 April 2009

BNP members called “illiterate", "liars", "oddballs" and "troublemakers” ....... by the BNP!

A British National party internal document leaked to Searchlight magazine is urging its members not to set up official party blogs in the run-up to this year's European elections because "they can't write proper English" and "get carried away with conspiracy theories",

According to a Guardian report the document also says that some BNP members are "oddballs", "Walter Mitty characters", "compulsive liars" and "born troublemakers.

Apparently, the BNP does not allow members or units to run websites or blogs which use the BNP logo or party name in their title, preferring "apparently independent sites exposing the wrongdoings and failings of the old parties and making subtly favourable reference to the BNP”

Calling BNP members oddballs, liars and troublemakers is mild and comes nowhere close to my opinion of them (start with shit stains and work downwards). However, I never expected to see the BNP describe its members in such a way. Such candour is refreshing!


  1. It's not the members you have to be worried about. It's the supporters.

    I imagine they're still going to poll quite well.

  2. I wish someone in the Republican party in the U.S. would do that with the right-wing wing nuts here.

  3. True Rob they don't elect themselves. Still Ut's amusing to see the BNP describe its members in such a way.

    LOL Kay!

  4. That was quite interesting and surprising.

    They are guilty of trying to sweeten their racist, anti-immigrant language.

  5. Indeed, THey would not stand any chance of election if they presented themselves as unreconstructed nazis.

  6. I wonder if they wonder why they are so unpopular.

  7. "Not unpopular enough!" - jamsYou're talking about U.S. Republicans, right? :-)

  8. Line breaks keep disappearing...

  9. Ah Steve I was talking about the BNP but the REpublican right is appropriate too I am sure!
