
16 April 2009

I think I'll shut up about my knee

Major Phil Packer was seriously injured in Basra on 19 February 2008. He lost the use of his legs and was originally told he would never walk again. On 26 April, however, he plans to start walking the Flora London Marathon route on crutches, a feat that will take him two weeks.

Major Packer hopes to raise £1m for Help for Heroes.

As I said in the title, I will shut up about my leg!


  1. No, no, you can still grumble! Just because there are some extreme specimens in this world doens't mean we all have to be the same. Let's hear it for the grumblers! (I'm one.)

  2. Haha Liz you have unhumbled me!

  3. you wonder where these people get their drive from :-) but i suppose its what keeps them going :-)

  4. It's a pretty amazing drive isn't it Sally!

  5. Anonymous8:44 pm

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  6. He certainly is Welshcakes

  7. Packer's courage in facing and overcoming his injury does not diminish your own, jams. Each of you has his path to walk; each of you has the strength to walk it.

  8. Wow! what amazing courage and determination!

  9. Yes, it does make one feel a bit small when one grumbles about something that will get better while people like this have to accept something much worse and permanent. I wish him success in his courageous effort.

  10. Cherie, Jams he is an amazing mand. He is a very brave and determined man Steve. It just made me fell a bit of a whinger. I haven't stopped complaining.. the knee is still very painful.

  11. Aileni12:47 pm

    I hope he does it. Good luck to him.

  12. Time for a knees up, methinks.

  13. I hope so too Aileni. Not for me for a while James!

  14. Good man.

    But what is the news about your leg?

  15. Still prettty stiff and pretty painful Snoopy... Probably will be for a while yet
