
06 May 2009

And now the Mars skull

A picture taken on Mars by a panoramic NASA camera known as Spirit seems to have pareidolia connoisseurs all of a flutter. According to the Telegraph an image in a rocky desert, which appears to be vaguely skull shaped, has got internet forums are full of chatter,

The oddly shaped space boulder appears to show eye sockets and a nose leading to speculation it might be a Martian skull. One alien-spotter speculated: "The skull is 15 cm with binocular eyes 5 cm apart. The cranial capacity is approximately 1400 cc.There appears to be a narrow pointed small mouth, so this creature most likely is a carnivore."

Another joked: "The coronal ridge shows ample structure to support the musculature of antennae, although none are visible in this view. The nose area is broad and blunted as you would expect to see in a cold and windy landscape. Is he decapitated or is he buried up to his neck?

Hmm Mars has given some wonderful images for a certain section of humanity/ Back in the 70s we had the Face, more recently there was Bigfoot. and then the log and what looked like a decent patio. Now there’s a skull. Well I suppose it will keep some nutters occupied for a while


  1. That is very interesting. It gets the mind to wander. Is it or isn't it.

  2. makes you wonder what else our Glorious God has out there

  3. Alex Harvey's rock biter.

  4. I think it's just a rock Grampy. People tend to look for paterns where they don't exist.

    There is a lot that is strante in this world shopannies, let alone the universe.

    Now you mention it James!

  5. I hope, Jams, you don't deny that this us a skull of a Martian. Otherwise we shall have some words with you... Repent!

  6. Mea Culpa Snoopy I am repentant. Pass the sackcloth, ashes and tinfoil hat!

  7. You mean you are an unbeliever :-O

  8. Fear not Cherie. I will never be an unbeliever!!

  9. Holy cow, it's true! All those martian movies. The War of the Worlds. Government conspiracies. The X-Files.

    All true!

    Or maybe a rock is just a rock...

  10. Hey Free Man, you forgot teh illuminati, the reptilians and the citizens of Andorra! A rock being just a rock won't stop the tinfoil hatters!
