
29 May 2009

Ted on rose arch with wind chimes

This week's entry for the Friday Ark and Carnival of the Cats.


  1. A fierce feline on the prowl (who looks startlingly like a cat I used to own years ago, a total thug that battered the shit out of every other cat in our neighbourhood and even scared our dog (an Airedale Terrier!)). A fine picture!

  2. He looks like he is waiting for an unsuspecting person. Then he will let the wind chimes fall...

  3. Echoing DE's last three words.
    But Jams, my heart misgives me. Ted's ancestor - a Turk?!

    [Herewith I promise from now on for at least four weeks not to mention any Turk, but rather speak about bicycles - which is about the same.]

  4. Well he climbed up there so he is actually doing something. He may be plotting evil but doesn't seem to get much done.

    Ted must be aspiring to a career in Human resources.

  5. I'm with CherryPie, he's plotting to take someone out with the wind chimes.

    It's always nice to see someone who enjoys their work.

  6. Wow !!
    Its a fantastic shot,
    we love it :)

  7. THat sounds like a cat after Ted's heart Egg!

    I wouldn't put it past Ted Cherie. He is an intelligent and mischevious cat!

    I'm not sure about Turk, Sean but I wonder if he has Beserkir in him!

    Human Resources? Bekerkin, the only human resource he is interested in is the opposable thumb that is so useful in opening the cat food!

    He certainly did find the chimes fascinating Bryan!

  8. Rose arch - my parents had one of those.

  9. Anonymous5:24 pm

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  10. It's perfect for our rambling rose

  11. Ted looks formidable even up there! And I don't think I trust him with those wind chimes...

  12. Yep! I see a paw on the rope holding that windchime in place... he's just biding his time...:-)

    Great "still life", Jams!

  13. Indeed Steve. THe last time I checked he had converted the chimes so they fired poison darts!

    Haha RJ. With Ted we can expect any evil!

  14. That handsome rogue greatly resembles a kitty who has made my backyard into a home, despite Sam the Wonder Cat's emphatic scolding! Sam is a thug also - there are Dogs in our neighborhood that cringe when they see him in my living room window lounging on the back of the couch!

  15. He is a handsome devil and that's for sure. Sam the Wonder Cat is definitely a cat after Ted's heart though!
