
29 June 2009

When you thought Richard Nixon’s reputation couldn’t be tarnished further....

Last week, the New York Times carried a report concerning the release of new tape recordings and documents made public on Tuesday (23 June) by the Nixon Presidential Library.

Although Nixon made no public statement on Roe v Wade (which 22 January, 1973 struck down laws criminalizing abortion) one segment indicates that he was worried that greater access to abortions would foster “permissiveness,” and said that “it breaks the family.”

However he did see a need for abortion in some cases: “There are times when an abortion is necessary. I know that. When you have a black and a white,” he said before adding, “Or a rape.”

The tapes were recorded by the secret microphones in the Oval Office from January and February 1973

So there you have it - yet another vile comment from one of the USA’s vilest presidents. I am not sure what could show him in a even worse light... a photo of him sodomising Checkers perhaps?


  1. Abortion is a topic I leave alone, as it is as explosive as Palestine. I do have my views on what it does to the family in the long run - interestingly, in Russia, there are estimates most women usually have around six or seven of them in their reproductive life.

    I've always wondered why people don't use even natural contraception methods. Done right, they can be effective.

  2. Yep - the late Tricky Dick was full bag of... er... tricks.

  3. It's one where I support the woman's right to choose but it is not a position to take lightly, Before the fall of teh Iron curtain contraception was hard to get wasn't it? In a country like Romania which had an ugly form of Nationalism, aabortion was illegal. A key reason was to ensure the birth of lots of new Romanians

    Something like that Snoopy!

  4. I'm not surprised that Nixon said that. In fact, it's the sort of thing I'd expect from him.

  5. He did seem to be a pretty vile character

  6. Jams

    Look at Nixon's actions regarding Israel. Ask Israeli political leaders if they would rather deal with Nixon or Bill " Egomania" Clinton. Actions speak louder than words.

    Nixon's actual record on Civil Rights was better than Bill Clinton's as well. Actions speak louder than media hype and false history.

  7. But he still said what he said beakerkin
